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Number of items at this level: 34.


Andersson, Johan and Brunge, Kristin and Walla, Tobias, 2017. Biogas från gödsel och gräs i kombination med dikalvsproduktion : möjligheter och begränsningar. Second cycle, A1N, A1F or AXX ( A1N). Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Barré, Juliette, 2014. Waste market in urban Malawi : a way out of poverty?. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

Berg, Karin, 2021. Bio-CCS från biogasanläggningar : Modellering av distributionssystem för CO2. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology

Björklund, Britta, 2016. A study of the recycling and separation systems for waste materials in Asia : are they compatible with BillerudKorsnäs’ sustainability strategy?. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (S) > Dept. of Forest Products


Chehab, Kinda, 2022. Enhancing Solid Wastes Separation Behaviour at the Residential Towers, using the Garbage Chute Systems.. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Department of Molecular Sciences


Dererie, Debebe Yilma, 2010. Integrated production of bioethanol and biogas from agricultural residue : comparison of pretreatment methods using mass flow and energy yields analysis. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Molecular Biology (until 131231)

Dortmans, Bram, 2015. Valorisation of organic waste : effect of the feeding regime on process parameters in a continuous black soldier fly larvae composting system. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Eriksson, Felix and Gustafsson, Erik and Malmberg, Karl and Martelius, Simon and Johansson, Simon and Johansson, Patrick and Stanowski, Michael, 2019. Uppvärmning av Almunge brandstation med pyrolys. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Fors, Erik, 2013. Kaffesump som substrat i biogasanläggningar eller som bränsle i fjärrvärmeverk : en studie av effekter på växthusgasutsläpp och kostnader. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Hagblom, Robin, 2016. The effects of trace elements on the microbial communities of thermophilic biogas production. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Microbiology

Hansson, Tilda, 2018. End-of-life scenarios for bioplastic food and drinking packages : a study of Swedish bioplastic waste disposal habitsand environmental impacts. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Department of Molecular Sciences

Hellman, Jorunn, 2020. Re-sourcing soil fertility : assessing the soil amendment potential of farm household resources and wastes in Bolo Silasie, Ethiopia. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment

Hillberg, Kajsa, 2021. Bokashi : köksavfallshantering utan växthusgaser?. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment

Hoff Rudhult, Linda, 2017. The waste of time – how a lower opportunity cost could increase households’ recycling effort : an empirical analysis of the effect of curbsiderecycling on waste sorting efforts in Swedishmunicipalities. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics

Holmström, Anni, 2021. Matsvinn – ett problem eller ett medel för andra samhällsfunktioner? : matsvinnets organisering. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development


Jarvis, Hannah, 2016. Sopsortering som exempel på ekologisk modernisering : en kritisk fallstudie av sopsorteringen i Smaragden. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

Johansson, André, 2019. Analysis of the distribution of plant nutrients in a biogas production system : a look at VH Biogas, co-digesting manure from several farms. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment

Jönsson, Erik, 2011. Effects of biogas residues on respiration and denitrification in arable soil : evaluation of methods, microbial activity and agronomic implications. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Microbiology


Larsson, Emil, 2018. Practical strategies for acidification of animal slurry in storage. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment

Larsson, Gustav, 2021. System concept for small-scale biological methanation using electrolysis and trickle bed reactor : with the aim of upgrading biogas to vehicle fuel quality. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology

Laxmar, Elin, 2017. Skördeeffekter av biokolstillsats och kompletterande gödsling i två fältförsök. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment

Liljestam Cerruto, Jenny , 2011. Energianalys av Svensk Växtkrafts biogasanläggning i Västerås. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology

Lindberg, Malin, 2020. Kommunal avfallshantering : varför ska Uppsala kommun bli bättre på att avfallshantera?. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

Lundgren, Anna, 2018. Förutsättningar för ökad biodrivmedelsproduktion i östra Mellansverige. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Nilsson, Sandra, 2018. The practice of recycling : understanding people´s motivations and barriers. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

Norberg, Sara, 2022. Mer växtkraft i trädgårdslandet med bokashi? : ett jämförande odlingsförsök med bokashi, traditionell kompost, BSF-kompost och biogödsel. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment


Saleem, Umair, 2012. Activity and synergistic action on cellulosic substrates of engineered product-site variants of Hypocrea jecorina Cel7A. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala, Sweden: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Molecular Biology (until 131231)

Siachiyako, Clive Mutame, 2016. Forbidden spaces? : public participation in solid waste management in Lusaka. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

Smith, Steven, 2009. Human interaction in the Swedish biogas sector : an arena for change. Second cycle, A1E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development


Thorslund, Rebecka, 2020. Bokashis respiration i jorden : betydelse för dess klimatpåverkan. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Soil and Environment


Vahlberg, Jessica, 2016. Fördelar och nackdelar med olika strömaterial ur hästvälfärds- och gödselhanteringsperspektiv. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: (VH) > Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Management (until 231231)


Wirell, Fredrik, 2015. Potential to inactivate microorganisms in sewage sludge by ammonia treatment : different temperatures and urea additions. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Zanaroli, Giovanni, 2019. Multi-criteria assessment of biomethane production from waste and residual feedstocks of Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology


Östby Andersson, Felicia, 2022. Evaluation of Nudging on Waste Management : a case study. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: (NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 03:03:04 2025 CET.