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Number of items: 9.


Alm, Arvid, 2013. Comparison of bird communities in stands of introduced lodgepole pine and native Scots pine in Sweden. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies

Andersson, Christian, 2012. Hur livshistoriekaraktärer hos Europeisk abborre (Perca fluviatilis L.) påverkas av cykliska förändringar i populationsstrukturen. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies

Andersson, Emma, 2013. The effects of Gotland pony grazing on forest composition and structure in Lojsta hed, south eastern Sweden. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies


Larsson, Emil, 2014. Habitat modeling for rustic bunting (Emberiza rustica) territories in boreal Sweden. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies

Leibinger, Ortrud, 2011. Is old forest like old forest? : patterns in abundance and species number of resident birds in old boreal forest stands in relation to stand structure and landscape context. Second cycle, A1E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies


Månsson, Mariellé, 2013. Tidningen Dagens Nyheters uppfattning om vildsvinen (Sus scrofa)? : en innehållsanalys av en rikstäckande nyhetstidning. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies


Paulsson, Niklas, 2011. Grey-sided vole and bank vole abundance in old-growth forest patches of different size and connectivity. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies


Sahlén, Ellinor, 2009. Brown bear (Ursus arctos) den site concealment in relation to human activity in Scandinavia. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies

Sjöberg, Jerk, 2013. Relationship between moose (Alces alces) home range size and crossing wildlife fences. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: (S) > Dept. of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies

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