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Andersson, Cecilia, 2019. Impact of starter culture on curd manufacture –one of the most commonly consumedfermented milk products of Sri Lanka. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences



Curd is a popular type of fermented milk product in Sri Lanka. In commercial curd manufactories, freeze-dried starter cultures are used, whereas small scale curd manufactories make curd in the traditional way using curd from previous days as a starter. Curd can be made from buffalo milk or cow’s milk, where buffalo milk is more common. The amount of fat is higher in the buffalo curd compared with the cow curd. However, not much is known about the impact of the processing steps and health benefits of this product.
This study was carried out in March - May 2019 in the middle of the country Sri Lanka at the University of Peradeniya. The aim of the study was to inves-tigate the effect of different starter cultures on the final product of curd made of buffalo milk, with respect to pH, syneresis and sensory aspects. Compari-son was done between three starters cultures: Pre-Made Buffalo Curd (PMBC), Pre-made Cow Curd (PMCC) and commercially available Chr Han-sen R-704 freeze-dried starter culture (CHR-704).
All curd samples with different starter cultures showed gradual reduction of pH during three days of measurements with only small difference between the products. The highest reduction, 34%, was observed for curd with CHR-704 whereas curd with PMCC showed the lowest pH reduction, 31%. During the three days of observation, the syneresis in the curd decreased. Lowest syneresis, 3.86% was observed in curd with PMBC. Highest syneresis, 3.93% was observed in curd with CHR-704. The sensory aspects of the curd i.e. flavour, texture, odour, colour and overall acceptability were evaluated by 31 members of a sensory panel. Regarding flavor and color, the most preferred curds were curd with CHR-704 and PMCC, respectively. Curd with PMCC was the most preferred one, regarding odour and texture. For the overall ac-ceptability, 36% of evaluators preferred curd with PMCC whereas curd with CHR-704 was least preferred.


Curd är en populär, fermenterad mjölkprodukt i Sri Lanka som kan tillverkas med olika typer av starterkultur. Vid kommersiell tillverkning av curd används en starterkultur i frystorkad form. På gårdar gör man curd på traditionellt sätt; man använder curd från dagen innan som starterkultur. Curd kan göras med buffelmjölk och komjölk, vanligast är att man använder buffelmjölk. Fettmäng-den i buffelmjölk är högre än i komjölk vilket påverkar egenskaper som doft, smak, färg och syneres hos curd.
Studien utfördes i mars - maj 2019 på University of Peradeniya i staden Pe-radeniya i Sri Lanka. Målet med studien var att undersöka vilken effekt olika starterkulturer har på kvaliteten hos curd gjord av buffelmjölk. En jämförelse mellan starterkulturerna genomfördes, varvid starterkulturer som härstam-made från buffel-curd (PMBC), ko-curd (PMCC) och en kommersiell kultur från Christian Hansen (CHR-704) användes. Mätningar av pH, syneres och ett sensoriskt test genomfördes.
Samtliga tre produkterna tillverkade med olika starterkulturer visade en pH-minskning under de tre dygn som mätningar gjordes. Den största minsk-ningen, på 34%, uppvisade curd som tillverkats med CHR-704 medan curd med PMCC visade den minsta pH-förändringen med 31%. Under de tre dyg-nen minskade syneresen i samtliga curd-produkter. Lägst syneres visade curd med PMBC medan curd med CHR-704 visade den högsta syneresen, 3,93% på dag 3. En sensorisk utvärdering genomfördes där aspekterna smak, textur, doft, färg och övergripande acceptans bedömdes av 31 perso-ner i en testpanel. Angående smak och färg, föredrog de flesta i panelen curd med CHR-704 och PMCC. Curd med PMCC föredrogs avseende på doft och textur. Totalt sett, föredrog 36% av panelens medlemmar curd med PMCC medan curd med CHR-704 var minst populär.

Main title:Impact of starter culture on curd manufacture –one of the most commonly consumedfermented milk products of Sri Lanka
Authors:Andersson, Cecilia
Supervisor:Johansson, Monika and Vidanarachchi, Janak
Examiner:Lundh, Åse
Series:Molecular Sciences
Volume/Sequential designation:2019:19
Year of Publication:2019
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:NY010 Agronomprogrammet - livsmedel, för antagna fr.o.m. 2016 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Department of Molecular Sciences
Keywords:curd, buffalo milk, starter culture, lactic acid, Sri Lanka, pH, syneresis, sensory test
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Food science and technology
Food composition
Deposited On:19 Nov 2019 11:31
Metadata Last Modified:04 Jun 2020 11:28

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