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Andersson, Waldemar and Backlund, Erik and Maier, Johan and Söderberg, Oskar and Traneus, Henrik and Yu, Qiancheng and Jatzkowski, Maximilian, 2021. Ödrift av sportfastigheter : I samarbete med Sportfastigheter AB. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Energy and Technology



Self-sufficient energy systems have been established as a local solution to the global increase in energy demand. This project, in collaboration with Sportfastigheter AB, aims to investigate the potential for energy self-sufficiency of sports facilities within Uppsala kommun. Three facilities were chosen: Bälinge IP, Ekebyvallen IP and Sunnersta IP. A comprehensive study was conducted for Bälinge IP, which included data collection, model building in Matlab, simulation and analysis combined with a brief economic analysis. More streamlined studies were carried out for Ekebyvallen and Sunnersta IP.
Three different cases were proposed. Case 1 aims to establish net self-sufficiency over a year for a chosen facility within a budget of 500 000 SEK. Case 2 aims to establish net self-sufficiency for a chosen facility exceeding a budget of 500 000 SEK but within reason; and case 3 aims to make the chosen facility entirely self-sufficient, to an extent where it could be decoupled from the grid and still function at capacity year-round. Case 3 is approached with no budgetary limitations. For case 1 & 2 established technologies such as photovoltaic cells and geothermal heat pumps were utilized, whereas case 3 also included more recent technological advancements within insulation, heat recycling and hydrogen fuel cell technology.
The report concludes that achieving net self-sufficiency is possible within the budget limit for cases 1 & 2, and complete self-sufficiency is possible albeit expensive for case 3. Due to the geographical and climatological limitations in Sweden self-sufficiency is difficult to achieve without substantially increasing the capital investment.

Main title:Ödrift av sportfastigheter
Subtitle:I samarbete med Sportfastigheter AB
Authors:Andersson, Waldemar and Backlund, Erik and Maier, Johan and Söderberg, Oskar and Traneus, Henrik and Yu, Qiancheng and Jatzkowski, Maximilian
Supervisor:Smårs, Sven
Examiner:Ljungberg, David
Series:Examensarbete / Institutionen för energi och teknik, SLU
Volume/Sequential designation:2021:11
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:TES2Y Energy Systems Engineering 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology
Keywords:biobränsle, bränslekvalitet, substansförluster, fukthalt, data analys, lagring
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Energy resources management
Renewable energy resources
Deposited On:02 Jun 2022 11:29
Metadata Last Modified:03 Jun 2022 01:00

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