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Karlsson, Alice, 2021. Hydrogen storage on islands : the possibility for Gotland and Åland to become self-sufficient with renewable electricity and energy storage in form of hydrogen. Second cycle, A1N, A1F or AXX ( A1N). Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Energy and Technology



The objective of the project was to evaluate the possibilities for Gotland and Åland to become self-sufficient in electricity with the help of renewable electricity and storage in form of hydrogen. The outcome of the project will act as a feasibility study for a possible master’s degree project. To do this project three questions of issue were set. What are the possibilities for Gotland and Åland to become self-sufficient in electricity with the help of renewable electricity and storage in form of hydrogen? How many hydrogen storages are required on each island for each scenario? Which scenario is the best? The boundaries that were made were to only use solar and wind power as renewable power sources. Four scenarios was set to get evaluated. This were, Scenario 1: How the year 2020 looked like. Scenario 2: Renewable electricity must constitute at least 60% of the total annual electricity consumption. Scenario 3: The amount of locally produced renewable electricity must correspond to the annual electricity consumption. Scenario 4: The amount of locally produced renewable electricity was set to 130 % of the electricity consumption. The results were presented based on own calculations and the solar production was calculated with the help of a model called PVGIS. The conclusion that was drawn was that the possibilities for Gotland and Åland to become self- sufficient in electricity with the help of renewable electricity and storage in hydrogen is low for scenario 1, 2 and 4 with this economical indicative, based on required full load hours for the electolyzer as an economic indicator. But it is achievable, and the possibilities are best for scenario 3 for both islands.

Main title:Hydrogen storage on islands
Subtitle:the possibility for Gotland and Åland to become self-sufficient with renewable electricity and energy storage in form of hydrogen
Authors:Karlsson, Alice
Supervisor:Karlsson, Per
Examiner:Nordberg, Åke
Series:Projektarbete i energisystem / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för energi och teknik
Volume/Sequential designation:2021:02
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A1N, A1F or AXX
Student's programme affiliation:TES2Y Energy Systems Engineering 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology
Keywords:Gotland, Åland, hydrogen storage, wind power, solar power, PVGIS, consumption, production, electrolysis, fuel cell
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Energy resources management
Renewable energy resources
Deposited On:10 Nov 2021 11:57
Metadata Last Modified:11 Nov 2021 02:01

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