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Gunnarsson, Maria, 2021. What’s on the menu in a crisis : nutritional consequences in the population. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences

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Sweden's ability to be food self-sufficient has long been questioned, and in recent years it has become an increasingly important issue on the political agenda. In 2017, the Swedish Government presented a national food strategy which stated the importance of domestic food production in terms of crisis preparedness. The latest defence bill presented by the Government also emphasized the importance of domestic food production to heighten Sweden’s preparedness. This included having relevant government agencies to investigate the domestic supply of food and drinking water.
This thesis aimed to investigate effects on the Swedish population's nutrient supply in the event of reduced imports. To find out, this thesis examines from which foods important nutrients come, clarifies the relationship with imported food and how human health can be affected by changes in imports. Three fictional scenarios form the basis for reduced intake of different product groups, which ultimately results in three results. The effect of energy, dietary fiber and five micronutrients is investigated and discussed. One of the important results of this study is that reduced imports, which result in reduced intake of vegetables and fruits, contribute to very low levels of vitamin C intake, which can have consequences for public health. This study also shows that dietary fiber is generally consumed in insufficient amounts, both during normal conditions and during a crisis, despite recommendations for increased intake from public authorities.


Sveriges förmåga att vara självförsörjande har länge ifrågasatts och de senaste åren har det blivit en allt viktigare fråga på den politiska agendan. År 2017 presenterade den svenska regeringen en nationell livsmedelsstrategi som framhöll vikten av inhemsk matproduktion i samband med krisberedskap. Även i den senaste försvarspropositionen som regeringen presenterade betonades vikten av inhemsk matproduktion för att öka Sveriges beredskap. Detta inkluderade att låta relevanta myndigheter undersöka den inhemska livsmedel- och dricksvattenförsörjningen.
I denna rapport undersöks hur befolkningens näringstillgång påverkas av minskad import. För att ta reda på det undersöks från vilka livsmedel specifika näringsämnen härstammar. Därefter utgör tre scenarier av minskad import grunden till minskat intag av olika varugrupper. Detta resulterar slutligen i tre utfall. Effekten av energi, kostfiber samt fem mikronäringsämnen undersöks och diskuteras. Denna undersökning visar bland annat att ett reducerat intag av grönsaker och frukt, till följd av minskad import, bidrar till mycket låga nivåer av vitamin C, vilket kan ge hälsomässiga konsekvenser hos befolkningen. Det står också klart att kostfiber generellt intas i för liten mängd, i normalläge liksom vid en eventuell kris, trots att myndigheterna rekommenderar ett ökat intag.

Main title:What’s on the menu in a crisis
Subtitle:nutritional consequences in the population
Authors:Gunnarsson, Maria
Supervisor:Andersson, Roger and Lindroos, Anna Karin
Examiner:Lundh, Åse
Series:Molecular Sciences
Volume/Sequential designation:2020:37
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NY010 Agronomprogrammet - livsmedel, för antagna fr.o.m. 2016 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Department of Molecular Sciences
Keywords:food import, micronutrients, energy supply, nutritional consequences, deficiency symptom
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Food science and technology
Deposited On:21 Sep 2021 12:56
Metadata Last Modified:22 Sep 2021 01:11

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