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Borg, Sofia and Broman, Markus and Clarstedt, Philip and Eide, Madeleine and Lernstål, Ellinor and Lundqvist, Oskar and Udd, Emilia and Viklander, Alex, 2021. Fossilfri reservkraftanläggning i Håbo : en jämförande systemstudie av fossilfri reservkraft till pumpstation för spillvatten. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Energy and Technology



This study is based on the initiative from Håbo municipality regarding a conversion from fossil fuels to renewable alternatives. The purpose with this study is to evaluate various systems regarding a reliable fossil free backup-power facility to possibly be implemented in powering a pump-station in Håbo municipality. The current backup power plant is powered by a traditional diesel generator. Furthermore, the report seeks to analyze the emissions of the whole facility, analyze the accessibility on the market and also present a synoptic economic analysis. The methodology of the study consists of systematic studies with a wide spectrum of choices which culminates in a comparative of all the technologies and systems. Thereafter, relevant and applicable alternatives were evaluated further, which led to three favorable systems to be implemented in Håbo municipality. These systems were solar panels combined with lithium ion-batteries, HVO (biofuel) combined with a generator and finally hydrogen storage combined with a fuel cell. The study result in a comparison regarding advantages and disadvantages of the three different systems in connection to future possibilities, availability, economy and start-up time. In conclusion, all systems can be implemented however the HVO-system is preferable regarding the economical aspect. The other systems have great potential in the future.

Main title:Fossilfri reservkraftanläggning i Håbo
Subtitle:en jämförande systemstudie av fossilfri reservkraft till pumpstation för spillvatten
Authors:Borg, Sofia and Broman, Markus and Clarstedt, Philip and Eide, Madeleine and Lernstål, Ellinor and Lundqvist, Oskar and Udd, Emilia and Viklander, Alex
Supervisor:Larsolle, Anders
Examiner:Ljungberg, David
Series:Examensarbete / Institutionen för energi och teknik, SLU
Volume/Sequential designation:2021:12
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:TES2Y Energy Systems Engineering 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Energy and Technology
Keywords:HVO, vätgas, batterier, solceller, klimatpåverkan
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Energy resources management
Renewable energy resources
Deposited On:16 Sep 2021 06:08
Metadata Last Modified:17 Sep 2021 01:06

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