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Knobel, Magdalena, 2021. Bridging the gap between food production and consumption : how alternative food networks forage the Berlin Foodscape. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences



Venturing into bridging the gap between food production and consumption, metropolitan Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) are increasingly gaining momentum in the Global North. Nevertheless, people interested and participating in these initiatives form a rather homogenous group of highly educated and better-off consumers. The aim of the study was to depict four different AFNs in the German capital city Berlin and to propose solutions to make AFNs and quality local food accessible to marginalised fringes of the population – especially low-income people – creating a sustainable food system in the Berlin area. Starting with a literature review about participation and inclusion in AFNs as well as concepts often referred to by AFNs such as food democracy, food justice, and food sovereignty, an overview is given about the academic landscape of AFNs. Taking the example of organisations intending to bring food production and food consumption closer to each other, their common jargon and their objectives were then analysed, preceding semi-structured interviews with representatives from these organisations. Interviews were also conducted with representatives of intermediary organisations, aiming at creating a sustainable foodscape in Berlin. The results from the interviews were coded and organised in themes, allowing to answer the research questions regarding drivers and hurdles for participation in AFNs and possible solutions for policy makers to foster a sustainable and inclusive foodscape in Berlin through adapted urban food policies. Four drivers for participation in AFNs could be provided by the research, along with hurdles and associated solutions for urban food policies to support AFNs in their inclusion strategies. The thesis indicates that inclusion cannot be achieved by the AFNs alone, but that substantial support from urban policies and societal framework change must materialise in order for more low-income citizens to access AFNs and local quality food.


Alternativa livsmedelsnätverk (ALN – såsom REKO ringar, Bondens Marknad, prenumeration på grönsakslådor) blir betydligt större och populärare år för år. Även om dessa hållbara sätt att försörja sig med hållbart odlade och hanterade matvaror är lovande, får enbart rikare, högutbildade personer tillträde till dem, på grund av finansiella resurser men också kunskap om hälsosam, miljövänlig och schysst mat. Syftet med studien var att beskriva fyra olika alternativa livsmedelsnätverk i den tyska huvudstaden Berlin och att föreslå lösningar för att möjliggöra tillgång till dessa för marginaliserade befolkningsgrupper (särskilt låginkomsttagare) och skapa ett hållbart livsmedelssystem i Berlinområdet. Forskningen, som bestod av en tematisk dokumentanalys samt sex intervjuer, visade fyra drivkrafter för deltagande i ALN, tillsammans med hinder och tillhörande lösningar, för en urban livsmedelspolitik som stödjer ALN i deras inkluderingsstrategier. Uppsatsen visar att inkludering inte kan uppnås enbart av ALN, utan att ett betydande stöd från statspolitiken och en förändring av samhällsramen måste komma till stånd för att fler låginkomsttagare ska få tillgång till ALN och livsmedel med hög kvalité.

Main title:Bridging the gap between food production and consumption
Subtitle:how alternative food networks forage the Berlin Foodscape
Authors:Knobel, Magdalena
Supervisor:Dubois, Alexandre
Examiner:Sarlöv-Herlin, Ingrid
Series:Molecular Sciences
Volume/Sequential designation:2021.26
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NM028 Sustainable Food Systems - Master's Programme, 120.0hp
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Department of Molecular Sciences
Keywords:alternative food networks, foodscape, local food, inclusion, participation, urban food policy
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Food science and technology
Deposited On:08 Sep 2021 06:40
Metadata Last Modified:09 Sep 2021 01:09

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