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Åslin, Alice, 2021. Hur framställs efterföljderna av Girjasdomen : en diskursanalys av uttalanden i Svensk Jakt och Norrbottens-Kuriren. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Urban and Rural Development

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Syftet med studien var att analysera hur tidskrifterna Svensk Jakt och Norrbottens-Kuriren framställer efterföljderna av Girjasdomen. I Högsta domstolen den 23 januari 2020 vann Girjas sameby upplåtelserätten på småviltjakten och fisket i delar av samebyns renskötselområde. Uppsatsen har totalt granskat åtta olika artiklar utifrån en diskursanalys genom att undersöka hur identitet och makt kommer till uttryck i artiklarna.
Resultatet pekar på att tidningarna framställer domstolsbeslutet som en splittring inom det samiska samhället. Tidningarna belyser att jakt- och fiskesamer som står utanför rennäringslagen inte blev inkluderade i domstolsbeslutet, vilket framställs som ett stort missnöje från intressegruppen. De granskade artiklarna speglar ett missnöje mot domen och lyfter fram berättelser från samer som inte ingår i en sameby. Girjasdomen berörde endast en mindre grupp renskötande samer och inte alla samebyar. Däremot har Girjasdomen fått konsekvenser i form av att rennäringslagen ska ses över. Det kan leda till att alla samer inkluderas vilket kan öka den samiska social identitet om alla samer får liknande rättigheter. Framförallt välkomnar partiet jakt- och fiskesamerna en utredning av rennäringslagen. Det framgår även i Norrbottens-Kuriren att det finns en splittring inom de nordliga kommunerna gällande samernas inflytande över hur småviltsjakten och fiske ska upplåtas.
Uppsatsen visar att det finns en vinkling av hur artiklarna framställer Girjasdomen. De granskade artiklarna vinklar inte Girjasdomen som en fråga utan mer som ett påstående att ”jägarna förlorar makten” och hur domen orsakat ”konflikter inom det samiska samhället” vilket gör att läsarna får svårt att bilda sig en uppfattning om vad Girjasdomen från början handlade om, det vill säga rätten att upplåta jakt- och fiske utifrån rättigheter kopplade till urminnes hävd.


The purpose of the study was to analyze how the magazines Svensk Jakt and Norrbottens-Kuriren present the sequels of the Girjas court decision. In the supreme court on 23 January 2020, Girjas Sami village won the right to lease out small game hunting and fishing in parts of the Sami villages reindeer husbandry area. The essay has reviewed total of eight different articles based on a discourse analysis by study how identity and power are expressed in the articles.
The result indicates that the court decision has presented a division in the Sami society. The magazines highlighted that hunting and fishing Sami who are outside the reindeer husbandry law were not included in the court decision, which is presented as a great dissatisfaction from the interest group. The articles reviewed reflect dissatisfaction with the ruling and highlight stories from Sami who are not part of a Sami village. Girjas court decision only affected a small group of reindeer herding Sami and not all Sami villages. On the other hand, the Girjas court decision has a consequence in the form of the reindeer husbandry law being reviewed. This can lead to all Sami being included, which can increase the Sami social identity if all Sami are giving similar rights. Above all, the hunting and fishing Sami welcome an investigation of the reindeer husbandry law. It also appears in Norrbottens-Kuriren that there is a division within the northern municipalities regarding the Samis influence over how small game hunting and fishing should be leased.
The essay shows that there is an angle of how the articles present the Girjas court decision. The articles reviewed do not angle the Girjas court decision as a question but more as a statement that “the hunters lose power” and how the verdict caused “conflicts within Sami society”, which make it difficult for readers to form an idea of what the Girjas court decision was originally about, namely the right to lease hunting and fishing on the basis of rights linked to ancient memory.The purpose of the study was to analyze how the magazines Svensk Jakt and Norrbottens-Kuriren present the sequels of the Girjas court decision. In the supreme court on 23 January 2020, Girjas Sami village won the right to lease out small game hunting and fishing in parts of the Sami villages reindeer husbandry area. The essay has reviewed total of eight different articles based on a discourse analysis by study how identity and power are expressed in the articles.
The result indicates that the court decision has presented a division in the Sami society. The magazines highlighted that hunting and fishing Sami who are outside the reindeer husbandry law were not included in the court decision, which is presented as a great dissatisfaction from the interest group. The articles reviewed reflect dissatisfaction with the ruling and highlight stories from Sami who are not part of a Sami village. Girjas court decision only affected a small group of reindeer herding Sami and not all Sami villages. On the other hand, the Girjas court decision has a consequence in the form of the reindeer husbandry law being reviewed. This can lead to all Sami being included, which can increase the Sami social identity if all Sami are giving similar rights. Above all, the hunting and fishing Sami welcome an investigation of the reindeer husbandry law. It also appears in Norrbottens-Kuriren that there is a division within the northern municipalities regarding the Samis influence over how small game hunting and fishing should be leased.
The essay shows that there is an angle of how the articles present the Girjas court decision. The articles reviewed do not angle the Girjas court decision as a question but more as a statement that “the hunters lose power” and how the verdict caused “conflicts within Sami society”, which make it difficult for readers to form an idea of what the Girjas court decision was originally about, namely the right to lease hunting and fishing on the basis of rights linked to ancient memory.

Main title:Hur framställs efterföljderna av Girjasdomen
Subtitle:en diskursanalys av uttalanden i Svensk Jakt och Norrbottens-Kuriren
Authors:Åslin, Alice
Supervisor:Nordlund, Isabel and Sandström, Emil
Examiner:Beckman, Malin
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:NY009 Agriculture Programme - Rural Development 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
Keywords:Svensk-Jakt, Norrbottens-Kuriren, Girjas sameby, diskurs, samer, makt, identitet
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Nature conservation and land resources
Deposited On:20 Aug 2021 11:20
Metadata Last Modified:21 Aug 2021 01:01

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