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de Bakker, Rianne, 2019. Gatekeepers of Fulufjället National Park : nature interpreters’ perspectives on communication & human-nature relationships. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Urban and Rural Development



National parks are natural environments where humans and nature actively come together and shapes our understanding of and behavior in nature. The relationship between humans and protected nature however, can be complex and is influenced by different elements, one of which communication. In this thesis, we take the perspective of nature interpretation: a communication tool to foster the human-nature relationship, used by nature interpreters in national parks. The aim of this thesis is to understand the role of nature interpreters as gatekeepers of a Swedish national park – Fulufjället National Park - and to bring light to the experiences and challenges they encounter within their communicative situations. The theoretical foundations are based on the social construction of nature and symbolic interactionism. Qualitative semi-structured interviews and observations were used to gain knowledge and insight in the national park.
The findings offer an insight into the link between communication and human-nature relationship through nature interpretation from the perspective of nature interpreters. The interviewees experience positive associations when using active nature interpretation and the way it influences visitor’s perspectives of the environment. However, the challenges of passive communication, limited feedback and minimal resources are difficult for them to manage and hinder their impact on visitors. Furthermore, the ways Fulufjället National Park is communicated can affect people’s behavior to take unsustainable turns with the use of (social) technology. All in all, this thesis provides a multi-perspective view on communication in, about and with nature from its interpreters.

Main title:Gatekeepers of Fulufjället National Park
Subtitle:nature interpreters’ perspectives on communication & human-nature relationships
Authors:de Bakker, Rianne
Supervisor:Joosse, Sofie
Examiner:von Essen, Erica
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2019
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NM026 Environmental communication and management - Master's programme
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
Keywords:nature interpretation, national park, Fulufjället, symbolic interactionism, social construction of nature, communication, human-nature relationship
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Nature conservation and land resources
Deposited On:12 Dec 2019 09:22
Metadata Last Modified:04 Jun 2020 12:50

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