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Larsson, Daniel, 2008. Sustainability : from theory to site. SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management



This master thesis aims to examine the theory of sustainability. A concept that has become an integrated part of our lives and for the landscape architect and architect an ever more important factor to consider. But what does sustainability or sustainable development mean, where does the theory come from and who came up with the ideas? And how is this elusive and complex theory to be implemented on site?
This thesis is divided into three parts. The first part will examine the theoretical aspect of the subject through contemporary, as well as historic perspectives. The second part aims to take the discussion down to site where the implementation of one sustainability theory is tested. The last part will draw upon the conclusions made and formulate visions regarding a sustainable future.

Main title:Sustainability
Subtitle:from theory to site
Authors:Larsson, Daniel
Supervisor:Sarap, Tiina
Series:Examensarbeten inom landskapsarkitektprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2008:53
Year of Publication:2008
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:MSc Landscape Architecture
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Keywords:sustainability, theory, implementation, sustainable development, landscape architect, landscape architecture, architecture
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:SLU > (LTJ, LTV) > Landscape Architecture (until 121231)
Landscape architecture
Deposited On:23 Oct 2017 12:30
Metadata Last Modified:23 Oct 2017 12:30

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