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Nordberg, Zandra, 2010. Digitala tredimensionella visualiseringsmetoder : ett sätt att kommunicera landskap. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Urban and Rural Development



This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by an
increased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased use
of digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentation
options of landscape architects.

The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscape
architects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender
3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model in
three dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architect
to use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it is
difficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possible
solution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared and
anyone can contribute. Especially interesting is software supporting game engines, which may
be a suitable tool for modelling as well as for presentation.

The primary advantage of 3D modelling is the way it allows us to experience and investigate
such aspects as spatiality and proportionality in a dynamic setting. As landscape architects,
our creations are never static but always dynamic, and this should be conveyed to our
audiences and contractors. The primary disadvantages of 3D are that modelling is time
consuming and difficult, that digital imagery often comes across as impersonal and strict, and
that digital renditions tend to be interpreted as final suggestions, even at an early stage of

3D models can be divided into three main categories according to intended use: twodimensional,
animated, and interactive. The subdivision is fluid, and a 3D model may evolve
from one category to another in the course of development. Models can also be used in
different phases: initially as an analysis tool, later as a sketching or working model, and
finally as a presentation model.

With the use of digital 3D modelling, we can see, experience, understand and convey a site
before it has been built, as well as evaluate its design at an early stage. A two-dimensional
image always shows a portion of a whole, never the design in its entirety. Increased use of
moving images, multimedia and virtual realities adds qualities to the planning and projecting
processes and may also, through communication channels such as the Internet, improve
citizen dialogue concerning larger projects. This, in turn, may lead to a vitalized democracy
and an increased awareness of the landscape architectural profession. Extended use of 3D
technology may generate as yet unknown fields of application that may strengthen and extend
the role of landscape architects in society.

Main title:Digitala tredimensionella visualiseringsmetoder
Subtitle:ett sätt att kommunicera landskap
Authors:Nordberg, Zandra
Supervisor:Sandqvist, Sofia
Examiner:Nordin, Kerstin and Blomqvist, Thomas
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2010
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:YLARK Landscape Architecture Programme (admitted before July 1, 2007) 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
Keywords:digital, tredimensionell, visualisering, 3D, Blender, modellering, landskap, landskapsarkitektur
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Computer and library sciences
Social sciences, humanities and education
Additional Information:Nätversion: http://web.comhem.se/3dvismet
Deposited On:10 May 2010 06:35
Metadata Last Modified:20 Apr 2012 14:12

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