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Olsson, Joakim, 2004. Säkrare arbetsmiljö med traktorer i vårbruket. SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101), Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)



By doing this thesis I want to open up farmers and tractor drivers mind to see that there is
several risks with their work. There is a number of risks that everybody probably already
know about, and hopefully I will, with this work, help them to see a lot more risks, to make
them be more careful in the future. I've interviewed seventeen farmers in middle and south of
Sweden. I've also asked them for their opinion and what kind of changes they looking forward
to. In the research part I've presented all the drivers answers and comments and in the
discussion I've presented different kind of solutions to make tractor driving and work around
the tractor safer.
I've tried to make this thesis easy to overview bye using the same headlines in both the research
and the discussion. The headlines used are:
Owners manual
Connecting different kinds of equipment to the tractor
First aid kit
Safety when driving
Getting in and out of the tractor cabin
Underage drivers
Cabin environment
Some of the most remarkable results are that there is a big lack in knowledge about how
heavy their tractors actually are allowed to pull. Further there was a pretty bad result concerning
if there is a first aid kit in each of their tractors. It was actually so that there was a kit in
the new tractors but not in the old once. From this result it seems that it's not the tractor drivers
that put the first aid kit in their tractor, but the manufacturer.
When I asked them about the brakes on their tractors I got a positive response. Everybody
answered that the brakes on their tractors was working just fine. Quiet a few of the interviewed
drivers pointed that it had happened more than once that they've forgot to lock the
two brake pedals together, when going from field on to a road. I have, in my thesis, presented
a very simple solution so that nobody ever will forget to lock the pedals together. Let's hope
for the manufacturer to start using a device like that…
All of the interviewed farmers agreed that tractors have become better and better. This is reflecting
my results where it's continually coming back in the answers.


Jag har med detta arbete velat få upp ögonen på lantbrukare och framför allt traktorförare vad
det gäller säkerhet i samband med traktorkörning. Arbetet behandlar såväl körningen och miljön
i hytten som arbetet med att koppla redskap till traktorn. Vid arbete med och runt traktorer
löper man hög risk att råka ut för allehanda tillbud. Jag har till mitt examensarbete intervjuat
ett antal personer för att få fram vilka risker de ser, för att sedan komma med förslag till lämpliga
förbättringar/förändringar för att göra arbetet säkrare.
I arbetet har jag använt mig av är följande rubriker som är tagna från Arbetsmiljöverkets (tidigare
Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen) utgivna broschyr Säkrare traktorkörning:

Main title:Säkrare arbetsmiljö med traktorer i vårbruket
Authors:Olsson, Joakim
Supervisor:Pinzke, Stefan
Series:Examensarbete i lantmästarprogrammet / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Volume/Sequential designation:2004:28
Year of Publication:2004
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:LMP Agricultural and Rural Management Programme (admitted before July 1, 2007) 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)
Keywords:säkerhet, arbetsmiljö
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Labour and employment
Faculties > Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science (until 2013)
Human medicine, health, and safety
Deposited On:04 Oct 2017 08:21
Metadata Last Modified:04 Oct 2017 08:21

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