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Sjölander, Frans, 2015. Social acceptability of marine protected areas : a case study of the Gålö no-fishing zone in Sweden. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. Of Aquatic Resources



No-fishing zones (NFZs) are increasingly used for managing declining fish stocks internationally and in Sweden. NFZs are ultimately implemented in order to change human behaviour, and acceptability among stakeholders can affect the possibility of their implementation as well as their ecological success. The current study explored the concept of Social Acceptability in relation to the Gålö NFZ by conducting twelve semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. The study found a general acceptance towards the NFZ among the interviewees. Before establishing the NFZ, the area was perceived to have experienced a significant decline of fish stocks due to a high fishing pressure. The area was also regarded to be important to protect since it offers important reproduction opportunities for the target species. The perceived poor state of many fish stocks in the Stockholm archipelago was a reason for supporting NFZs in general. Many interviewees saw however a shortcoming of the NFZ, as it does not offset other possible factors causing declining fish stocks. Strong opposition towards the NFZ was found among some fishing right owners, who felt marginalised in the decision making process and were disappointed with the absence of a follow up dialogue, leading to a lack of trust in management authorities. NFZs also impose large restraint on fishing right owners’ use rights. The Swedish legal context with strong private ownership of waters on the majority of the Swedish east coast, and the legal space in the Swedish Fisheries Act, makes acceptability among fishing right owners important from a management perspective when implementing NFZs. The general support of NFZs found, and also the initial support among some fishing rights owners, speaks for a future use of NFZs if the ecological effects on the target species are found to be significantly positive. A more strategic approach of involving stakeholders, as well as increasing the understanding of the effects on fish stocks by other factors than fishing, would probably improve the acceptability of such areas.

Main title:Social acceptability of marine protected areas
Subtitle:a case study of the Gålö no-fishing zone in Sweden
Authors:Sjölander, Frans
Supervisor:Bergström, Ulf
Examiner:Bryhn, Andreas
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2015
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NM011 Sustainable Development - Master's Programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. Of Aquatic Resources
Keywords:social acceptability, no-fishing zone, no-take area, case study, recreational fishing, fishing right owners, Stockholm archipelago
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Agricultural economics and policies
Aquatic ecology
Water resources and management
Deposited On:09 Jun 2015 13:42
Metadata Last Modified:09 Jun 2015 13:42

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