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Johansson, Markus, 2015. Hyggesbränning på Orsa besparingsskog - en studie på tillväxt och föryngring,15år efter etablering. First cycle, G2E. Skinnskatteberg: SLU, School for Forest Management

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The main purpose with this study was to investigate whether the tree growth differs or not in prescribed burnt areas compared to mechanically scarified. Together with the result from the main purpose, answers of whether it's possible or not to combine nature conservation with tree production in prescribed burnt areas was presented. In these areas the regeneration were analyzed to see if there was enough tree plants to comply with the Swedish Forestry Act regulations terms for approved regeneration. A field survey was conducted at 6 objects, three objects for prescribed burning and three for mechanically scarification. All objects were planted within the same year. On these objects plots where put out to collect data on volume growth, height, diameter and numbers of plants. This data was used for making a comparison between the two methods.
The results showed a marginally higher volume in areas where mechanically scarification was performed. But prescribed burned areas had a slightly higher tree height and number of stems. As the results shown no major differences in volume growth between the both methods there may well be possible to combine nature conservation with tree production. Previous studies has shown that trees in prescribed burnt areas where provided with much nutrients several of years after the burning. The plants grows well at the beginning but can in a later time in the life cycle decrease in production. This because the ground can suffer from nitrogen deficiency as a result of prescribed burning. This phenomenon can be prevented with the use of nitrogen fertilization.

Main title:Hyggesbränning på Orsa besparingsskog - en studie på tillväxt och föryngring,15år efter etablering
Authors:Johansson, Markus
Supervisor:Högberg, Hans
Examiner:Sundstedt, Eric
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Skogsmästarprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2014:26
Year of Publication:2015
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:SY002 Forest Management - Bachelor's Programme 180 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > School for Forest Management
Keywords:pyrofila arter, naturvårdshänsyn, skogsbrand
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Forestry - General aspects
Forest engineering
Deposited On:08 Jan 2015 09:34
Metadata Last Modified:08 Jan 2015 09:47

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