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Lambertz, Hanna and Norén, Anna, 2013. Vintervegetation genom ljus : om hur man med belysning kan framhäva avlövad vegetation i offentlig stadsmiljö. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Urban and Rural Development



Use of lighting is crucial to make public urban
places available during dark hours. Landscape
architects participate in planning of lighting, but
during our education there is very little taught on
the subject. Through this study we approach the
subject of lighting by looking into lighting methods
for urban plant materials during winter.
In this thesis we look into ways to emphasize the
visible characters and experiences of urban plants
during winter season using light. Target audience
are landscape architect students and landscape
architects without knowledge of lighting. The part
of the thesis that describe basic conditions for, and
visual characters of plants can be useful to lighting
designers without knowledge in this subject.
Working methods used were the following:
• Pre-study about light and lighting techniques
through literature and dialogues.
• Compiling important visual winter plant
characters through photography and literature.
• Outdoor light experiments with plants. The
plants were chosen on the premises that they
are common in urban areas. Light sources and
armatures were borrowed from companies.
Methods for lighting were found in literature
and through dialogues with lighting designers.
The experiments were photographed and
described in writing.
• Interviews with people of different professions
that in one way or another work with light design
and through literature within the subject
we ourselves set out to gain better knowledge.
The result part of the thesis is divided into three
sections: Light, Urban vegetation and Lighting of
urban vegetation. In the first part, Light, we briefly
describe what light is and how it allows us to see
our surroundings and to understand what it is that
we see. Light technique concepts that were
important in this study are explained. These concepts are: Color temperature, color reprodution,
colored light and luminous flux. The light sources
used during light experiments are described. These
light sources are: LED, Sodium-vapor lamp,
Halogen lamp, Compact fluorescent lamp and
Metal halide lamp. We also describe the impotance
of avoiding glare and to consider surrounding
elments such as weather and light from other light
sources during the design process.
In the second part the crucial factors for plants
development and appearance are described. Among
others these are: species, light conditions, water
supply and conditions of soil. Visual characters
among urban plants during winter time are presented.
The characters are divided into following
groups: architectural shape, cold colors, warm
colors, wealth of details, shrubs and hedges, strong
vertical form or prominent trunk and broad or
hanging crown. A number of examples of species
representing each character are presented. Their
visual characters as well as their growing conditions
are described.
The third part discusses conflicts and possibilities
when combining lighting and plants. Mechanical
injuries, especially on the root system, as a result of
careless installation of lighting occurs. To control
lighting so that it adapts to the visual changes in
vegetation over seasons. Urban vegetation that
obscure safety lighting. Lighting’s influence on
plants ability to enter a dormant phase. The light
experiments are also presented here. A number of
lighting methods, used to enhance a plants visual
characters, are featured through photos and text.
Lighting methods that where examined where
among others: Creating shadows, localized lighting,
creating silhouettes, variation of color temperature
and lighting from below.

Main title:Vintervegetation genom ljus
Subtitle:om hur man med belysning kan framhäva avlövad vegetation i offentlig stadsmiljö
Authors:Lambertz, Hanna and Norén, Anna
Supervisor:Eskilsdotter, Sofia and Lind, Marianne
Examiner:Sandqvist, Sofia
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2013
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:YLARK Landscape Architecture Programme (admitted before July 1, 2007) 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
Keywords:belysning, vintervegetation, växtmaterial, vinter, avlövat, offentlig stadsmiljö, växtdynamik, landskapsarkitektur, ljusdesign, effektbelysning, stämningsbelysning
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:25 Mar 2013 13:49
Metadata Last Modified:25 Mar 2013 13:49

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