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Hoflund, Per and Snögren, Jon, 2011. Investeringskalkyl för en ny såglinje : en rapport om investeringskalkylering. First cycle, G2E. Umeå: SLU, Dept. of Forest Resource Management



This report presents an investment calculation based on an assumed initial investment of a new saw line to an existing sawmill. In order to get as close to reality as possible, we have received data material from northern forest owners who recently made an initial investment in their sawmill in Kåge.

In order to calculate and evaluate investments are several different methods, but we, we have chosen to use the discounted cash flow method. The method sums up with the help of a fixed cost of capital together with any future costs and revenues, thereby giving a present value of the investment. We also do a sensitivity analysis to examine how selected factors affect the investment research they change.

The study is carried out to a fictitious investment, and therefore the result should not only be studied as a result of the figures. The purpose of this study was that with the help of an investment calculation studying the profitability of a hypothetical investment, and by means of a sensitivity analysis to study the sensitivity of investment to changes.

The result demonstrates that the calculations according to the present value method requires a lot of information of the prospective investment. The result also shows that just because an investment looks very profitable out, it can still be very sensitive to changes, and even at very small changes in the market can turn to the investment unprofitable.

The study also shows some difficulties in the investment calculation. Difficulties such as estimating costs and revenues, constant development and change in the market, and to study how changes in various factors affecting the investment.

Main title:Investeringskalkyl för en ny såglinje
Subtitle:en rapport om investeringskalkylering
Authors:Hoflund, Per and Snögren, Jon
Supervisor:Athanassiadis, Dimitris and Carlén, Ola
Examiner:Roos, Anders
Series:Arbetsrapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik
Volume/Sequential designation:328
Year of Publication:2011
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:SY001 Forest Science - Master's Programme 300 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > Dept. of Forest Resource Management
Keywords:Känslighetsanalys, Nuvärdesmetoden, Kalkylränta, Nyinvestering, Investeringsbedömning
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Investment, finance and credit
Forestry production
Deposited On:07 Jun 2011 06:52
Metadata Last Modified:13 Jan 2014 13:51

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