Lindholm, Jasmine, 2023. Mapping of feeding strategies in Swedish riding schools with different housing systems and its impact on horse health and body condition. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231)
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With around 500 riding schools, equestrian sport is one of Sweden’s largest sports organisations and the second largest youth sport. Horses are traditionally held in individual boxes but can also be kept in groups, so-called group housing. Keeping and feeding horses too far from their basic needs can lead to digestive upsets, stereotypic behaviours and feed-related diseases. Concerning diet, assessing the amount of stored fat in horses by Body Condition Scoring (BCS) (graded 1-9) is essential since obesity is correlated with several diseases. This study examines whether there are differences in the feeding strategies, choice of feed, feed ration composition and body condition scores in horses kept in Swedish riding schools with different housing systems. The study also examines possible differences in the hygienic quality of the feed, feeding routines and possible risks for feed-related diseases. Eight Swedish riding schools with either individual or group housing systems participated in the study. Data about feeding and feeding-related aspects were collected, and 80 horses, ten from each riding school, were scored in body condition. Three out of eight riding schools lacked forage analysis, and there was no difference in average BCS, irrespective of the housing system. However, 25% of all body condition-scored horses were overweight. Individually housed horses lacked water at turnout, spent more hours indoors and had more cases of colic. Compared to this, group-housed horses always had free access to water, many more hours kept outdoors, and significantly fewer cases of colic. Group-housed riding schools also mucked out their paddocks to a larger extent than individually-housed riding schools. The quota between roughage and concentrates regarding energy and protein content could only be calculated in three out of eight riding schools due to free access to forage or lack of a forage analysis. In conclusion, riding school staff needs more education and practical training on how to perform body condition scoring in horses. Differences in body condition were not related to the housing system. However, the frequency of colic differed significantly between systems, and the importance of free access to water and hours kept outdoors was highlighted.
,Med omkring 500 ridskolor i landet är ridsporten en av Sveriges största sportorganisationer och den näst största ungdomssporten. Traditionellt sett hålls hästar i individuella boxar men de kan också hållas i grupp i lösdriftssystem. Att hålla och utfodra hästar långt ifrån deras grundläggande behov kan leda till störningar i magtarmkanalen, stereotypa beteenden och foderrelaterade sjukdomar. I relation till foderstaten är hullbedömning (BCS, skala 1-9) av hästar av största vikt eftersom fetma är kopplat till flertalet sjukdomar. Studien ämnar undersöka om det finns skillnader i utfodringsstrategier, val av foder, foderstatskomposition och hull för hästar inhysta på svenska ridskolor med olika typ av inhysningssystem. Dessutom, undersöka eventuella skillnader i den hygieniska kvaliteten av foder, utfodringsrutiner och möjliga risker för utfodringsrelaterade sjukdomar. Åtta svenska ridskolor med antingen individuell hållning eller grupphållningssystem deltog i studien. Data rörande utfodring och utfodringsrelaterade faktorer samlades in och 80 hästar hullbedömdes totalt, tio hästar från vardera ridskola. Tre av åtta ridskolor saknade grovfoderanalys och det fanns ingen skillnad mellan det genomsnittliga BCS oavsett inhysningssystem, dock var 25% av alla hullbedömda hästar överviktiga. Individuellt hållna hästar saknade vatten vid utevistelse i större utsträckning, hölls fler timmar inomhus och hade fler fall av kolik. I jämförelse hade grupphållna hästar alltid fri tillgång till vatten, hölls många fler timmar utomhus och hade signifikant färre fall av kolik. Ridskolor med grupphållning mockade dessutom ur hagarna i större utsträckning
än ridskolor med individuell inhysning gjorde. På grund av fri tillgång av grovfoder eller avsaknad av grovfoderanalys kunde kvoten mellan grovfoder och kraftfoder i foderstaten med avseende på energi och protein endast beräknas för tre av de åtta ridskolorna. Sammanfattningsvis behöver ridskolepersonal mer utbildning och praktisk övning i hur hästar ska hullbedömas. Skillnader i BCS kunde inte kopplas till inhysningssystem. Det fanns däremot en signifikant skillnad av förekomsten av kolik mellan inhysningssystemen och betydelsen av fri tillgång på vatten och lång utevistelse belystes.
Main title: | Mapping of feeding strategies in Swedish riding schools with different housing systems and its impact on horse health and body condition |
Authors: | Lindholm, Jasmine |
Supervisor: | Yngvesson, Jenny and Sassner, Hanna |
Examiner: | Andersson, Maria |
Volume/Sequential designation: | UNSPECIFIED |
Year of Publication: | 2023 |
Level and depth descriptor: | Second cycle, A2E |
Student's programme affiliation: | VY001 Agricultural Science Programme - Animal Science 270 HEC |
Supervising department: | (VH) > Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231) |
Keywords: | riding school, horse, housing system, feeding strategies, horse health, body condition scoring, group housing of horses, individual housing of horses |
URN:NBN: | urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-19618 |
Permanent URL: | |
Language: | English |
Deposited On: | 12 Dec 2023 11:34 |
Metadata Last Modified: | 13 Dec 2023 02:03 |
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