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Sturén, Fanny, 2023. Sustainable bread supply chains in Sweden : examining scenarios for reducing or lowering the impact of surplus bread. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Department of Molecular Sciences



Food waste has significant environmental, social, and economic implications, demanding actions
toward a sustainable food system. In Sweden's bread supply chain, approximately 14% of produced
bread is wasted, with 9% attributed to unsold bread in stores. Take-back agreements (TBAs),
covering over 90% of pre-packaged bread, hold suppliers responsible for the entire chain, including
surplus management. While prior studies have identified TBAs as potential waste generators, this
paper examines four scenarios to address the bread supply chain from various perspectives.
Prohibiting TBAs reveals the potential to reduce the retail-interface surplus by 50%, leading to a
30% overall reduction in waste annually. Improved stakeholder cooperation and inventory
management can effectively decrease surplus at the production stage and the supplier-retail
interface, resulting in a 33% reduction annually. By enforcing the Swedish Environmental Code and
promoting the food waste hierarchy or adopting the French approach of mandatory surplus food
donation by retailers, 30% to 64% of the surplus could be diverted from less desirable energy
recovery to preferred reuse options every year. Additionally, this study highlights the underutilized
potential for increasing donations of surplus bread.
In conclusion, this paper demonstrates that Sweden can enhance its bread supply chain through a
combination of regulations and market-based mechanisms. By implementing these measures,
Sweden can optimize surplus management, minimize waste, and progress toward a sustainable food

Main title:Sustainable bread supply chains in Sweden
Subtitle:examining scenarios for reducing or lowering the impact of surplus bread
Authors:Sturén, Fanny
Supervisor:Bartek, Louise
Examiner:Eriksson, Mattias
Series:Molecular Sciences
Volume/Sequential designation:2023:23
Year of Publication:2023
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NM028 Sustainable Food Systems - Master's Programme, 120.0hp
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Department of Molecular Sciences
Keywords:food waste quantification, bread take-back agreements (TBA), supply chain, food waste hierarchy, sustainable food system, food donations Swedish University
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Deposited On:05 Sep 2023 10:41
Metadata Last Modified:06 Sep 2023 01:00

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