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Hulefors, Elin, 2010. S:t Göransområdet : gestaltningsprogram för ett stadsutvecklingsområde på nordvästra Kungsholmen i Stockholm. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Urban and Rural Development



North Western Kungsholmen in Stockholm is confronting big changes and Stockholms
stad is planning that the area will be an extended part of the existing structure in central
Stockholm. Dwellings and offi ces are built and the population increase heavily. Th is
result in a need to look at how public green areas can develop and be designed. Th e
purpose is to design a proposal for a master plan of S:t Göranområdets public green
areas. Exploateringskontoret, Stockholm stad, who has initialized the task, claim that
there is a need of clarifying and shield the qualities in the green areas of today and how
to create new green structure.

The problem formulations which are current in this master thesis are:

• Is there a need of a distinct identity for the green areas of S:t Göransområdet? If so,
how is this created?

• How can the green parks and nature areas inside S:t Göransområdet be improved and

• How can the connections between the green areas inside S:t Göransområdet be
clarifi ed and how can they connect to the surroundings?

To get inspiration and information for the design this thesis include a study of the
including parts in the design process. For example is monographs from landscape
architecture offi ces, a study on master plans as reference objects and for the thesis
necessary literature presented. Information from Stockholms stad about the
development of the area as well as inventory and analyze is presented. One chapter
describes the design guidelines for further work and one chapter illustrates the design
in plans, sections, illustrations and text. To sum up there is a discussion about the result
and a refl ection about the thesis in general.

The conclusion is briefl y that there is a need of a distinct identity for the green areas
of S:t Göransområdet and that the identity should be designed in relation to the
fault precipice and nature in the area. Th ings that I have choosed to contribute S:t
Göransområdet with, to improve and develop the area, is one coherent green walking
path, playgrounds, places to sit in the sun, viewpoints, places with high level in details,
calm places, open parks with lawns and green areas with kept natural vegetation. To
clarify the connections there is a need for a walking path along the southern part of
the area, as well as a path from the eastern to the western part of Stadshagsklippan and
a number of paths crossing S:t Göransgatan and connect the S:t Göransområdet with

Main title:S:t Göransområdet
Subtitle:gestaltningsprogram för ett stadsutvecklingsområde på nordvästra Kungsholmen i Stockholm
Authors:Hulefors, Elin
Supervisor:Sandqvist, Sofia
Examiner:Johansson, Rolf
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2010
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LARKU Landscape Architecture Programme, Ultuna (admitted before July 1, 2007) 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Urban and Rural Development
Keywords:S:t Göransområdet, nordvästra Kungsholmen, offentliga grönytor, stadsutveckling , identitet, mongrafier, gestaltningsprogram
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:18 Oct 2010 11:56
Metadata Last Modified:20 Apr 2012 14:16

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