Sköld, Caroline and Sunnås, Martina, 2022. Svenska hundägares inställning till spannmålsfritt foder : en enkätstudie. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Clinical Sciences (until 231231)
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Det finns ett enormt utbud av foder att välja mellan som hundägare idag. En typ av foder som under
de senaste decennierna ökat i popularitet är spannmålsfritt foder. I spannmålsfria foder ersätts
spannmål ofta med baljväxter som ärtor och linser. Syftet med detta kandidatarbete var att identifiera
vilka för- och nackdelar med spannmålsfritt foder till hund som finns dokumenterat i vetenskaplig
litteratur samt undersöka vilken inställning svenska hundägare har till spannmålsfritt foder. För att
ta reda på detta gjordes en litteraturstudie och en webbaserad enkätstudie. Enkäten spreds online via
grupper på Facebook som riktade sig till svenska hundägare.
Resultatet från litteraturstudien visade ett relativt begränsat utbud av studier som behandlar
generella för- och nackdelar med spannmålsfritt foder. Skillnader i smältbarhet och näringsinnehåll
mellan spannmålsfritt foder och spannmålsinnehållande foder kunde identifieras i litteraturen men
det förekom också stora skillnader inom de respektive grupperna. De senaste åren har en oro växt
angående ett eventuellt samband mellan en spannmålsfri, baljväxtrik diet och utvecklandet av
hjärtsjukdomen dilaterad kardiomyopati (DCM) hos hund. Studier som gjorts för att undersöka detta
eventuella samband behandlades också i litteraturstudien.
Enkätstudien erhöll 575 svar och visade att en stor del respondenter förhöll sig positivt inställda
till spannmålsfritt foder. Majoriteten av respondenterna (64 %) utfodrade vid tillfället för enkätens
publicering sin hund helt eller delvis med spannmålsfritt foder. Enligt flest respondenter var den
främsta fördelen med spannmålsfritt foder att det innehåller en stor andel animaliska ingredienser.
Andra fördelar som angavs var att de upplevde att deras hund uppvisade bättre magtarmhälsa och
att det lindrar allergiska symptom. Många respondenter angav att de inte kände till några nackdelar
med spannmålsfritt foder men det var samtidigt många som angav att det eventuellt finns ett
samband mellan spannmålsfritt foder och utvecklandet av DCM som den främsta nackdelen.
Fler studier behövs för att kunna bedöma långvariga effekter av en spannmålsfri diet. Det saknas
studier med stora studie- och kontrollgrupper med hundar som följs under en lång tid.
Nyckelord: DCM, hund, hundfoder, hundägare, spannmålsfritt foder, utfodring
Today’s pet food market offers a wide variety of dog foods for owners to choose from. Grain-free
dog food has been rising in popularity for over a decade now. This type of diet typically replaces
the traditional grains with legumes like peas and lentils. The purpose of this Bachelor thesis was to
identify the risks and benefits of grain-free dog food documented in scientific literature as well as
investigating the opinions of Swedish dog owners regarding this type of food. A scientific literature
study was conducted alongside a web-based survey among Swedish dog owners. The survey was
distributed via different Facebook groups for dog owners in Sweden.
The scientific literature study showed that the amount of studies geared toward general risks and
benefits of grain-free dog food were very limited. During the course of the study differences in
digestibility and nutritional content between grain-free and grain-inclusive dog food were identified,
although the study also showed large varieties existing within the different groups themselves.
During recent years concern has been rising regarding a potential connection between a grain-free
diet rich in legumes and the development of the heart condition Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in
dogs. The literature study included some of the scientific studies that have been done on this topic.
The survey received 575 responses and came to the conclusion that a large number of dog owners
were positive about the grain-free diets for dogs. In fact, a majority of the respondents (64%) were
feeding their dogs this type of food partly or completely at the time of answering the survey.
According to the respondents the biggest benefit to grain-free dog food was the high content of
ingredients originating from animal-sources. Other benefits claimed by the respondents were that
they experienced their dogs having a healthier gut and a reduction in allergic symptoms. Many
respondents were unaware of any risks associated with feeding dogs a grain-free diet. However,
some of them were in fact aware of the possible connection between this type of diet and the
development of DCM in dogs and deemed that to be the risk they were most concerned about.
In order to gain a deeper understanding of the long-term effects feeding grain-free diets to dogs
might have, further research is needed. Studies following large groups of dogs with control groups
over a longer period of time is something that is missing in the scientific literature about grain-free
dog food.
Keywords: DCM, dog, dog food, owner, Grain-free food, feeding, veterinary nursing
Main title: | Svenska hundägares inställning till spannmålsfritt foder |
Subtitle: | en enkätstudie |
Authors: | Sköld, Caroline and Sunnås, Martina |
Supervisor: | Gille, Sanna |
Examiner: | Dicksved, Johan |
Volume/Sequential designation: | UNSPECIFIED |
Year of Publication: | 2022 |
Level and depth descriptor: | First cycle, G2E |
Student's programme affiliation: | VY010 Veterinary Nursing Programme, 180.0hp |
Supervising department: | (VH) > Dept. of Clinical Sciences (until 231231) |
Keywords: | DCM, djuromvårdnad, hund, hundfoder, hundägare, spannmålsfritt foder, utfodring |
URN:NBN: | urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-17928 |
Permanent URL: | |
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.: | Animal husbandry Animal feeding |
Language: | Swedish |
Deposited On: | 05 Jul 2022 08:29 |
Metadata Last Modified: | 08 Jul 2022 11:02 |
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