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Andersson, Artur, 2020. Effects of cold treatment on Arabidopsis thaliana : a study in the change of gene expression levels in some selected COR-genes and composition of important cell membrane lipids of A. thaliana. First cycle, G2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Plant Breeding (from 130101)



The effect of cold stress in Arabidopsis thaliana, mouse cress, was examined. The object was to investigate how gene expression and membrane lipid configuration was affected in seedlings when being treated with low temperature. According to several studies, the fatty acid composition changes to being less saturated in several important cell membrane lipid classes during prolonged cold. Several cold regulated; so called COR-genes were chosen, to investigate their presumed change in gene expression levels after cold treatment. Roughly 1000 plants of A. thaliana were established from seeds in liquid nutrient medium in ten flasks and were grown under artificial light and 20 °C for 10 days. Then half of the seedlings were treated by putting the flasks on ice for 6 hours. Control and treatment samples went through lipid extraction and gas chromatography, as well as RNA extraction, complementary DNA synthesis and quantitative PCR. The results are ambiguous. Regarding cell membrane lipids, only a minor decrease from saturated to unsaturated fatty acids of around 6-10% could be measured for some membrane lipid classes. Concerning gene expression levels, the levels vary from being 1.1 to 2.5 times greater in treated samples, compared to control samples.


Effekten av köldstress på Arabidopsis thaliana, backtrav, undersöktes. Syftet var att utreda hur genuttrycket och konfigurationen av membranlipider påverkades hos fröplantor då de behandlades med låg temperatur. Enligt flera studier ändras kompositionen av fettsyror till att vara en större andel omättade hos flera viktiga cellmembranklasser vid långvarig kyla. Flera köldreglerade gener, kallade CORgener, valdes ut, för att undersöka deras förmodade förändring i genuttrycks-nivåer efter köldbehandling. Ungefär 1000 plantor av A. thaliana etablerades från frö i flytande näringsmedium i tio kolvar och växte under artificiellt ljus och 20 °C under 10 dagar. Sedan behandlades hälften av fröplantorna genom att placera kolvarna på is i 6 timmar. Prover från kontroll och behandling genomgick lipidextraktion, så väl som RNA-extraktion, syntes av komplementärt DNA och kvantitativ PCR för att mäta nivåerna av genuttryck. Resultaten är inte entydiga. Beträffande cellmembranlipiderna, kunde endast uppmätas en minskning av mättnadsgraden hos fettsyrorna på 6-10% % hos vissa membranlipidklasser. Rörande nivåerna av genuttryck hos de olika köldreglerade generna, varierar dessa från att vara 1,1 gånger till 2,5 gånger större hos behandlade prover i jämförelse med kontrollprover.

Main title:Effects of cold treatment on Arabidopsis thaliana
Subtitle:a study in the change of gene expression levels in some selected COR-genes and composition of important cell membrane lipids of A. thaliana
Authors:Andersson, Artur
Supervisor:Lager, Ida
Examiner:Ivarson, Emelie
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2020
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:LY003 Horticultural Science Programme 300 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Plant Breeding (from 130101)
Keywords:Arabidopsis thaliana, cold stress, membrane lipids, gene expression, quantification, PCR, extraction
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Plant genetics and breeding
Deposited On:01 Jul 2020 13:26
Metadata Last Modified:02 Jul 2020 01:04

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