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Skierus, Joakim, 2010. Potentiella virala zoonoser hos apor på svenska djurparker år 2008. Second cycle, A1N, A1F or AXX ( AXX). Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health (until 231231)



This paper is a compilation of some of the important viral zoonosis that can be passed from apes and simians (simian and prosimian) to man. Viral zoonoses are viral diseases that can be passed from animals to humans. The paper will also provide a better insight of the risks workers and visitors to the zoo can be exposed to. The viruses that this paper is focused on is herpes Bvirus, simian T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (STLV), simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), Ebola virus, Marburg virus, yellowfever virus, monkeypoxvirus and hepatitis B virus. The choice of viruses is based on how infectious they are and how pathogenic they are. There are several associations in the world related to health, trade and management of zoo animals that have developed guidelines for which viruses to test for in different monkeys.

A questionnaire was sent to zoos in Sweden who today keep monkeys. The questionnaire asked, among other things, which species of monkey they have, the viruses they have tested for and what routines they have for handling the monkeys and what they do if anyone gets bitten by a monkey. The questionnaire was sent to twelve zoos in Sweden and ten of them replied. To find out which viruses currently have been detected in different monkeys in the world an extensive literature study was conducted.

The answers from the questionnaires revealed that it exists 26 different species of monkeys, apes and prosimians in Swedish zoos today. The last ten years they have tested these animals for hepatitis Bvirus, SIV, STLV and herpes Bvirus. All tests have been found negative apart from a test of STLV from Sulawesi Macaque in Borås zoo. The most commonly found monkey in Swedish zoos are the Ring-tailed Lemur. According to the questionnaire there are currently 86 specimens in 5 different zoos. Another common monkey is the Pygmy marmoset. There are 77 of these in 6 different zoos.

Blodsamples from the monkeys was used for testing for antibodies in STLV, SIV and herpes Bvirus. Detection of Hepatitis B virus DNA was preformed by PCR. These tests were carried out at the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control.

Routines for handling monkeys in these zoos mostly consist of handling them as little as possible. Newly arrived monkeys are quarantined. As a mean of stopping the spread of disease, footbath with disinfectant suchlike Virkon are used at entry and exit of the cages and enclosures.

There have been very few outbreaks of diseases among monkeys in Swedish zoos. This is mostly due to good routines in handling monkeys and control of zoos trading monkeys around the world. It is also due to the fact that all the monkey currently in Swedish zoos are borne in captivity and due to this they are not exposed to that much infectious disease from wild populations. Despite the god control and hygiene zoonotic viral diseases should not be taken lightly in monkeys in zoos. If one of the viruses described in this paper would get in to a zoo there would be great consequences.

Main title:Potentiella virala zoonoser hos apor på svenska djurparker år 2008
Authors:Skierus, Joakim
Supervisor:Berg, Mikael
Series:Examensarbete / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Fakulteten för veterinärmedicin och husdjursvetenskap, Veterinärprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2010:5
Year of Publication:2010
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A1N, A1F or AXX
Student's programme affiliation:3050A Veterinary Medicine Programme (admitted before July 1, 2007) 330 HEC
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health (until 231231)
Keywords:apa, zoonos, virus, djurpark
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Veterinary science and hygiene - General aspects
Deposited On:01 Jul 2010 06:27
Metadata Last Modified:20 Apr 2012 14:14

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