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Petters, Frida, 2018. Compact total mixed ration to dairy cows : effects on feed hygiene, feed intake, rumen environment and milk production. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Management (until 231231)



Total mixed rations have been used as a feeding strategy in Swedish dairy farms since the 1990’s. One risk that has been associated with total mixed ration is sorting of the ration, which can lead to a diet being consumed by the cows other than the originally intended. Sorting of the feed ration has been linked to several health and production problems in dairy cows. A development of total mixed ration, called compact total mixed ration, has recently been suggested as a way of reducing sorting of the ration. The feed ingredients of the compact total mixed ration is manipulated by soaking of all concentrates in advance and then mixed to decrease forage particle size. The compact total mixed ration has a dry matter target of 37 % and the feed components should be close to indistinguishable from each other, due to the prolonged mixing. In the present study, the effects of compact total mixed ration on feed intake, milk production and components, rumen environment, digestibility and hygienic quality was evaluated compared to a conventional total mixed ration. When compact total mixed ration was fed, dry matter intake decreased whereas total water intake increased. Milk production, milk composition and rumen environment were not affected by treatment. The effect of dietary treatments on digestibility could not be fully established. There was a tendency for milk fat yield to decrease when compact total mixed ration was fed. The hygienic quality of the diets were similar. More research is needed to evaluate the long term effects of compact total mixed ration as well as to investigate the effect of different forage proportions in the diet. Further, it was concluded that more research is needed to evaluate the effects of compact total mixed ration during summer conditions.


Fullfoder har använts som utfodringsstrategi inom svensk mjölkproduktion sedan 90-talet. En risk med fullfoder är att fodret sorteras, vilket kan leda till att en annan foderstat än den ämnade konsumeras. Sortering av fullfoder har tidigare kopplats till flertalet hälso- och produktionsproblem hos mjölkkor. En vidareutveckling av fullfoder, kallad kompakt fullfoder, har nyligen föreslagits som ett sätt att minska sorteringen av foderstaten. Ingredienserna i kompakt fullfoder blötläggs i förväg för att sedan mixas tillsammans med grovfodret. Fodret ska mixas så pass mycket att grovfodrets partikelstorlek minskas. Det kompakta fullfodret ska ha 37 % torrsubstans som mål, och foderkomponenterna ska vara svåra att särskilja på grund av den utökade mixningen. I denna studie utvärderades effekterna av kompakt fullfoder på foderintag, mjölkproduktion, mjölksammansättning, våmmiljö, smältbarhet och hygienisk kvalitet jämfört med ett konventionellt fullfoder. När kompakt fullfoder utfodrades minskade foderintaget i kg torrsubstans medan det totala vattenintaget ökade. Mjölkproduktion, mjölksammansättning och våmmiljö påverkades inte. Effekten av foder på smältbarhet gick ej att fastställa helt. Det fanns en tendens till att mjölkfettsavkastningen minskade när kompakt fullfoder utfodrades. Mer forskning behövs för att se effekterna av kompakt fullfoder över tid, samt för att undersöka effekten kompakt fullfoder vid andra proportioner av grovfoder. Vidare drogs slutsatsen att ytterligare forskning behövs för att bestämma effekten av kompakt fullfoder på hygienisk kvalitet under sommarförhållanden.

Main title:Compact total mixed ration to dairy cows
Subtitle:effects on feed hygiene, feed intake, rumen environment and milk production
Authors:Petters, Frida
Supervisor:Kronqvist, Cecilia and Lindberg, Mikaela and Knicky, Martin
Examiner:Spörndly, Rolf
Series:Examensarbete / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för husdjurens utfodring och vård
Volume/Sequential designation:641
Year of Publication:2018
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:VY001 Agricultural Science Programme - Animal Science 270 HEC
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Animal Nutrition and Management (until 231231)
Keywords:CTMR,, forage particle size, feed ration dry matter, DMI, milk production, rumen health, AIA, feed spoilage
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Animal feeding
Deposited On:13 Dec 2018 10:24
Metadata Last Modified:25 Feb 2019 13:41

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