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Bark, Märika, 2007. Rum, form och växter : en sammanställning av växtkompositionsprinciper och tillämpningar. SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management



Rum, form och växter är ett avslutande examensarbete som handlar om växtkomposition. Jag har valt ett antal profiler inom områdets principer om rumsskapande, komposition, färglära och några tillämpningar som jag studerat på plats samt gjort egna förslag.

I detta arbete har jag börjat med rummens uppbyggnad, deras förutsättningar och sammanhang och hur detta påverkar platsen. Formen och proportioner skapar olika upplevelser och inhägnaden som har betydelse för intrycket. Människor får olika känslor beroende på rummets öppenhet, slutenhet och skala.
Kapitlet som handlar om gångar berör uppbyggnaden och människans rörelsemönster i dessa. Rörelsen påverkas av besökarens motiv, mål och kontrollen hon har över vandringen.
Fokus är det som syns i kontrast till omgivningen genom sin form eller placering och får olika betydelse beroende på rummets form. Många gånger blir fokus en samlingsplats eller en mötesplats som till exempel en skulptur eller ett speciellt träd.
Genom att beskriva element som blad- och blomform redogörs ämnet växtval och hur det kan medverka till att skapas karaktär. Här behandlas även färglära, och ett antal planteringsmodeller för att närmare utveckla växtkombinationer.

För att visa på goda exempel har jag studerat tre anläggningar av varierande skala; Billedhuggerhaven i Köpenhamn, Bertil Hanssons trädgård i Lund samt Östra Kyrkogården i Malmö. Mina tre förslag till idéträdgårdar visar på inspiration från de goda exemplen samt kunskaper jag fått genom att göra detta arbete.


Space, Form and Plants is a conclusive Degree Project in which I have chosen to study the composition of plants. I have studied the principles of a number of well-known icons and their ways of creating spaces, their thoughts on composition, their ways of using colour and I have studied some applications on site and brought a few ideas of my own into this project.

This study looks mainly at the physical dimensions and those contextual factors which together have influence on the spaces involved. Form, proportions and boundaries create various kinds of experiences and impressions. The visitor feels a range of different emotions depending on the extent of enclosure, openness or spectrum.
The chapter about paths deals with the structure of the garden, and the pattern of movement within it. The movement depends on the motives, goals and the amount of awareness the visitor has got during the walk.
The focus is what is seen in contrast to the surroundings by its shape or its location and it gets a different meaning depending on the shape of the room. The focus often becomes a meeting place or a gathering point and can be a sculpture or a significant tree.
The subject Choice of plants is presented by a description of elements such as the shape of leaves or the shape of flowers. In this chapter I also describe how the choice of plants can help create a certain character. I will also mention how one can use colour and several models of planting to be able to develop different combinations of plants.

I have studied three different gardens of various sizes and they are presented to show some good examples; The Sculpture Garden in Copenhagen, Bertil Hansson's private garden in Lund and The East Cemetery in Malmö.
The three Theme gardens I have made are meant to show the inspiration I have got from the good examples and the skills I have obtained during this project.


Space, Form and Plants is a conclusive Degree Project in which I have chosen to study the
composition of plants. I have studied the principles of a number of well-known icons
and their ways of creating spaces, their thoughts on composition, their ways of using
colour and I have studied some applications on site and brought a few ideas of my own
into this project.
This study looks mainly at the physical dimensions and those contextual factors which
together have infl uence on the spaces involved. Form, proportions and boundaries create
various kinds of experiences and impressions. The visitor feels a range of different
emotions depending on the extent of enclosure, openness or spectrum.
The chapter about paths deals with the structure of the garden, and the pattern of
movement within it. The movement depends on the motives, goals and the amount of
awareness the visitor has got during the walk.
The focus is what is seen in contrast to the surroundings by its shape or its location
and it gets a different meaning depending on the shape of the room. The focus often
becomes a meeting place or a gathering point and can be a sculpture or a signifi cant tree.
The subject Choice of plants is presented by a description of elements such as the shape
of leaves or the shape of fl owers. In this chapter I also describe how the choice of
plants can help create a certain character. I will also mention how one can use colour and
several models of planting to be able to develop different combinations of plants.
I have studied three different gardens of various sizes and they are presented to show
some good examples; The Sculpture Garden in Copenhagen, Bertil Hansson’s private
garden in Lund and The East Cemetery in Malmö.
The three Theme gardens I have made are meant to show the inspiration I have got
from the good examples and the skills I have obtained during this project.

Main title:Rum, form och växter
Subtitle:en sammanställning av växtkompositionsprinciper och tillämpningar
Authors:Bark, Märika
Supervisor:Wembling, Mona
Series:Examensarbeten inom landskapsarkitektprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2007:4
Year of Publication:2007
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:MSc Landscape Architecture
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management
Keywords:rum, form, gångar, fokus, växtval, idéträdgårdar
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:SLU > (LTJ, LTV) > Landscape Architecture (until 121231)
Landscape architecture
Deposited On:30 Oct 2017 08:42
Metadata Last Modified:30 Oct 2017 08:42

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