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Nilsdotter, Mari, 2005. Brukarmedverkan i förvaltning av tätortsnära naturmark. SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101), Alnarp. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)



Flera kommunala förvaltningar och andra instanser efterfrågar idag former för hur brukare aktivt kan involveras i skötsel av tätortsnära skog- och naturmarker. Erfarenheter finns, men delgivning av goda exempel och bra referenser är en bristvara.
Genom detta examensarbete presenteras en form för hur skötsel av en tätortsnära skogs- och naturmiljö praktiskt kan genomföras tillsammans med de boende i närområdet. Förslaget för samarbetet har utformats via en fallstudie och baseras på intervjuer med boende och förvaltare inom ett avgränsat villaområde i Huskvarna.
Studien redogör även för synpunkter och de krav som lyftes fram av respektive part inför samverkanssituationen, dvs. samverkanspotentialen och själva ramen för samverkan. En definierad plats och ett delat intresse av att ingå samarbete är visserligen villkor, men ingalunda de enda pusselbitarna.
Krav som fördes fram av boende rörde fortsatt kontinuerlig kommunal skötsel, en garanti om stöd och vägledning och en försäkran om att deltagandet byggdes kring frivillighet. Kommunens krav avsåg att förhindra risk för privatisering, ökad administrationsbörda och juridiska svårigheter. Skötselns inriktning för bevarande av naturkaraktär och samverkans behov av reglering och dokumentation var ömsesidiga krav som framfördes.
Avgörande för utformningen av samverkansformen var kommunens krav att parterna ställdes juridiskt ansvariga och skadeståndsskyldiga för eget utförande av skötseln.
Ett krav som dels medförde att regleringshandlingar, som avtal och skötselplan, måste utformas och anpassas annorlunda än brukligt och dels medförde ett stopp för möjlighet att kommunalt bistå med såväl ekonomiska som materiella resurser.
I den föreslagna samverkansformen deltar boende i skötseln med egna verktyg och egna ekonomiska satsningar, dessutom med skadeståndsansvar för skada mot sig själva och tredje man. Kommunen har varken möjlighet att utöva kontroll eller ge direktiv. Skötselåtagandena uppdelas mellan parterna efter vegetationsfaktorer som vegetationsgrovlek och vegetationstyp.
De inblandade fann en tillförsikt om en framtid i samverkan. En framtid med gemensam konstruktiv dialog och förhöjd skötselkvalitet som vinst.
Studien visar att närboende till tätortsnära naturmarker är intresserade av ett aktivt deltagande i skötseln. Studien ger inga belägg för eventuella farhågor om att brukarmedverkan ska medföra risk för privatisering eller risk för omfattande omgestaltning av de tätortsnära naturmarkerna.

Many municipal administrators and other authorities are working at finding ways for the public to participate in the practical maintenance of city-close urban natural areas. Although there are examples of successful public maintenance of outdoor areas there are very few published works available for inspiration in planning community involvement in maintaining city-close natural areas.
This master thesis presents a case study showing one form for how those areas concrete and mutually can be maintained in collaboration with the residents in the closest neighbourhood.
The proposal is based on interviews with both residents and municipal administrators responsible for a housing area in the city of Huskvarna in the south of Sweden.
The study also discusses different viewpoints and demands illuminated by both residents and administrators. Demands that in fact frame the fundamental conditions in a united maintenance agreement.
Demands emphasised by the residents were concerned with the assurance of continued municipal maintenance, an assurance for information and supervision in the collaboration and a guarantee that the participation was based on voluntary participation. The demands from the administrators were often related to preventing things e.g. the risk of privatisation, increased administration and juridical difficulties.
The administrators demand; a divided juridical responsibility were of vital importance for the shaping of the collaborative form. A demand that led to that the collaborative documents, as contract and plan for operating instructions, had to be worked out in a another way than normally, and that the municipal support of funds and materials was completely blocked.
In this proposed form for collaboration the residents participate contributing with their own tools and financial investments. They are liable to pay damages against them selves and others in a situation of injury.
The municipality has no opportunity to exercise control or put directives to the maintaining residents.
The undertakings of maintenance are divided among the two parts based on factors as vegetation thickness and vegetation type.
The two actors were positive about a future in collaboration and saw the benefits of improved constructive dialogues and maintenance.
The study shows that the neighbourhood are interested in participating in the maintenance of their urban nature environment. And that this participation does not necessarily must lead to privatisation or extensive transformation of natural environments.


Many municipal administrators and other authorities are working at finding ways
for the public to participate in the practical maintenance of city-close urban
natural areas. Although there are examples of successful public maintenance of
outdoor areas there are very few published works available for inspiration in
planning community involvement in maintaining city-close natural areas.
This master thesis presents a case study showing one form for how those areas
concrete and mutually can be maintained in collaboration with the residents in
the closest neighbourhood.
The proposal is based on interviews with both residents and municipal
administrators responsible for a housing area in the city of Huskvarna in the
south of Sweden.
The study also discusses different viewpoints and demands illuminated by both
residents and administrators. Demands that in fact frame the fundamental
conditions in a united maintenance agreement.
Demands emphasised by the residents were concerned with the assurance of
continued municipal maintenance, an assurance for information and supervision in
the collaboration and a guarantee that the participation was based on voluntary
participation. The demands from the administrators were often related to
preventing things e.g. the risk of privatisation, increased administration and
juridical difficulties.
The administrators demand; a divided juridical responsibility were of vital
importance for the shaping of the collaborative form. A demand that led to that
the collaborative documents, as contract and plan for operating instructions,
had to be worked out in a another way than normally, and that the municipal
support of funds and materials was completely blocked.
In this proposed form for collaboration the residents participate contributing
with their own tools and financial investments. They are liable to pay damages
against them selves and others in a situation of injury.
The municipality has no opportunity to exercise control or put directives to the
maintaining residents.
The undertakings of maintenance are divided among the two parts based on factors
as vegetation thickness and vegetation type.
The two actors were positive about a future in collaboration and saw the
benefits of improved constructive dialogues and maintenance.
The study shows that the neighbourhood are interested in participating in the
maintenance of their urban nature environment. And that this participation does
not necessarily must lead to privatisation or extensive transformation of
natural environments.

Main title:Brukarmedverkan i förvaltning av tätortsnära naturmark
Authors:Nilsdotter, Mari
Supervisor:Delshammar, Tim
Series:Examensarbeten i landskapsarkitektprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2005:15
Year of Publication:2005
Level and depth descriptor:Other
Student's programme affiliation:MSc Landscape Architecture
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)
Keywords:delad skötsel, samverkan, brukarmedverkan, skötselkontrakt, delat skötselansvar, tätortsnära mark, skötselstrategi, folkligt deltagande, förvaltning, närmiljö, samverkan, brukarmedverkan
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:02 Oct 2017 11:21
Metadata Last Modified:02 Oct 2017 11:21

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