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Holmstedt, Isabell, 2015. National Urban Parks : a comparison between National Urban Parks in Canada and Sweden. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)



The thesis’s main aim was to explore definitions and concepts of national urban parks and the concept urban wilderness compare the Rouge National Urban Park, Toronto, Canada with the Royal National City Park, Stockholm, Sweden. Objectives for the parks, their management, regulations, visitor information, challenges and other aspects were compared considering the different national approaches.
A literature review was carried out to study the concept of the national urban park designation in particular in the two studied countries. The history of the designation, their management objectives and regulations, were investigated. Both parks were visited to get an impression about the nature of the parks and about aspects as visitor information. In addition an interview was carried out with the Rouge Park management and a workshop regarding the cultural landscape of the Royal National City Park in Stockholm was attended.
The Royal National City Park in Stockholm was the first national urban park designated worldwide 20 years ago. The Rouge National Urban Park was legalised in May 2015, but the transfer of land and titles is still in process.
National urban parks can also be found in other countries, for example Finland, which today has eight national urban parks. This study shows that despite differences between the two parks regarding national legislation, size (the Rouge National Urban Park will be two or three times the size of the Royal National City Park), context, and access, there are also similarities. Before the Royal National City Park and the Rouge National Urban Park became national urban parks, exploitation plans threatened to destroy valuable natural and cultural areas within the park. With the support of the nearby population and other stakeholders, the landscapes in the parks could be protected.
This study shows how important it is to take care of our nature resources close by and in our cities. This is important for people’s health, wellbeing and to be able to reconnect with nature. Through these areas people reconnect with nature and may realize and prioritise nature areas protection both near and far. These nearby nature areas are also important as areas with high biodiversity, for ecosystem services and as recourses against environmental problems.


Målet med uppsatsen var att jämföra Rouge Nationalstadspark i Toronto, Kanada, med Sveriges Kungliga Nationalstadspark i Stockholm. För att kunna jämföra nationalstadsparkerna med varandra behövde begreppet Nationalstadspark och liknande begrepp utredas. ’Urban wilderness’ var ett begrepp som diskuterades i uppsatsen.
Genom en litteraturstudie klargjordes de olika begreppen. Litteraturstudien gjordes genom en så kallad ’snöbollsstudie’. Studiebesök till nationalstadsparkerna gjordes. Studiebesök gjordes även till områden som klassas som urban wilderness.
Nationalparker har regler som inte alltid passar för naturområden nära städer då inga urbana element får existera i parken. För 20 år sedan fick Sverige världens första nationalstadspark. Sedan maj i år fick Kanada sin första nationalstadspark. Nationalstadsparker kan även hittas i Finland sedan 2001, Finland har idag åtta nationalstadsparker. Rouge Nationalstadspark kommer bli två eller tre gånger så stor som den Kungliga Nationalstadsparken. Både den Kungliga Nationalstadsparken och Rouge Nationalstadspark mötes av hot av exploatering och genom ett stöd från folket blev de parker för att kunna skydda naturen på bästa sätt.
Studien visade hur viktigt det är med att ta hand om våra naturresurser nära och i våra städer, för såväl folks hälsa och välbefinnande, som för att återknyta människor med naturen. Genom natur i närmiljö lär sig folk vikten av att skydda naturområden. Dessa naturområden är viktiga för den biologiska mångfalden i städer och kan även hjälpa i olika miljöproblems situationer så som vid kraftigt regn kan naturområden och grönområden i städer ta till sig vattnet.

Main title:National Urban Parks
Subtitle:a comparison between National Urban Parks in Canada and Sweden
Authors:Holmstedt, Isabell
Supervisor:Haaland, Christine and Larsson, Marie
Examiner:Gyllin, Mats and Mellqvist, Helena
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2015
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LY002 Landscape Architecture Programme, Alnarp 300 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)
Keywords:nationalstadspark, national Park, Kanada,, Sverige, Rouge Park, Kungliga Nationalstadsparken
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:18 May 2016 09:53
Metadata Last Modified:18 May 2016 09:53

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