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Uzamukunda, Stephanie, 2015. Improving the existing farming systems toward a climate smart agriculture in Musanze district of Rwanda. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of People and Society



From the older mixed intercropping which has not been able to produce higher yields, to the
monoculture system currently promoted by the government of Rwanda and which has helped
to increase the yield of the prioritized crops, agriculture production has continued to be
challenged by climate change where droughts, heavy rains, severe soil erosions, strong winds,
pests and diseases have reduced significantly the production in some of the affected areas. It
is for this reason that this review was done particularly on Musanze district, an areas which is
considered as the food basket of Rwanda for its high agricultural production, but which is
highly affected by torrential rains from the Volcano National Park, followed by floods and
landslides, which in turn causes severe crop destruction and soil erosion; in order to help to
suggest another farming system which can help to lead to a climate-smart agriculture.
While the population continues to grow, putting much pressure on land, both systems have
failed to adapt to climate change in order to satisfy food needs with low environmental
damages, and the future climate change scenarios predict that the situation may become worse
in the coming decades. That is why a complex mixed cropping system is suggested in
Musanze district in order to diversify food products hence leading to food security, help to
control the soil erosion, a major challenging issue faced by farmers and reduce other socioeconomic
and environmental damages resulting from heavy rains, floods and landslides. This
study suggests two options of mixed cropping: (1) strip cropping inside the farm together with
trees/shrubs and/or anti-erosive crops contouring the farm; or (2) row intercropping inside the
farm with trees/shrubs and/or anti-erosive crops contouring the farm.
Its implementation will help to reach food security, to adapt to climate change while trying to
reduce greenhouse gas emission. For this reason, it requires governmental commitment
towards farmers’ needs and involving them in decision making, but also to change from the
only economic focus to the other aspects of sustainability: social and environment in order to
have enjoyable life both for current and the future generations.

Main title:Improving the existing farming systems toward a climate smart agriculture in Musanze district of Rwanda
Authors:Uzamukunda, Stephanie
Supervisor:Jensen, Erik Steen
Examiner:Carlsson, Georg
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2015
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LM005 Agroecology - Master's programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of People and Society
Keywords:climate change, climate-smart agriculture, future scenario, farming systems, complex mixed cropping, sustainability, imihigo, Musanze district, Rwanda
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Agriculture - General aspects
Deposited On:26 Oct 2015 16:25
Metadata Last Modified:26 Oct 2015 16:25

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