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Benjaminsson, Simon, 2015. Optimalt skogsbruk baserat på analyser med PlanVis. First cycle, G2E. Skinnskatteberg: SLU, School for Forest Management



An optimal economic forestry is something many probably striving for. It’s however difficult to achieve since the subjective judgments and emotions characterize the forestry planning. For optimal care requires powerful analysis with an optimizing forestry planning system. PlanWise is such a system, it has been used in this study to create a number of different management options for a property in Västra Götaland.
The aim of the study was to establish four strategic plans for property where various goals and constraints into account to see how different choices affect the net present value, net revenue, harvesting levels and nature conservation. The options will be helpful for the owner to formulate a goal and create its own strategic plan for the property.
The results show that the maximum value is obtained by applying no restrictions on logging. If restrictions are introduced to regeneration felling they must not vary by more than ± 10 % between two consecutive periods. Then more even flow of net revenue can be achieved. The revenue forgone will be only 1.27 % of the current value.
If restrictions to achieve higher biodiversity in the form of more allocation and higher conservation both present value and net revenue will decrease. An increase of 5 % free allocation reduces the value by 5.5 % in comparison with the highest net present value.
A PlanWise simulation was based on a local interest organization views with the desire to increase the share consideration and allocation. PlanWise shows that the present value decreases by 23 % due to the reduced volume of merchantable timber falling out.
The simulations do not include the ecological and social value created by increased share allocation and consideration.

Main title:Optimalt skogsbruk baserat på analyser med PlanVis
Authors:Benjaminsson, Simon
Supervisor:Wilhelmsson, Erik
Examiner:Sundstedt, Eric
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Skogsmästarprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2015:27
Year of Publication:2015
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:SY002 Forest Management - Bachelor's Programme 180 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > School for Forest Management
Keywords:PlanVis, planering, optimering
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Agricultural economics and policies
Forestry - General aspects
Deposited On:14 Oct 2015 14:45
Metadata Last Modified:14 Oct 2015 14:45

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