Jansson, Joakim, 2015. Rehabilitation in a tropical secondary rain forest in Malaysian Borneo : early effects of canopy properties on light conditions at the forest floor. Second cycle, A2E. Umeå: SLU, Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management
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Tropisk regnskog i Sydostasien är ett av de områden som hyser störst biodiversitet i världen, av vilken stora ytor är hotat. Ön Borneo drabbades av en katastrof åren 1982-1983 efter att väderfenomenet El Niño orsakat torka med vidsträckta skogsbränder som följd. Detta lämnade stora ytor av Borneos skogar i ett undermåligt, sekundärt tillstånd. På grund av detta startades INIKEA projektet med syfte att rehabilitera skogar i regionen kring Tawau vid östkusten av delstaten Sabah i Malaysia. I denna studie undersökte jag resultatet av rehabiliteringsarbetet på krontaket i tre olika skogstyper genom att ta hemisfäriska foton med en digital systemkamera (DSLR). Vidare undersökte jag ytterligare tre metoder för att se deras lämplighet i denna typ av skog. Dessa var en sfärisk densiometer, det så kallade Crown Illumination Index (CII) och hemisfäriska foton tagna av en smartphone-kamera. Resultatet visade att skogstypen hade signifikant effekt på variablerna visible sky och Leaf Area Index (LAI) medan rehabiliteringsmetoden hade signifikant effekt på variablerna Direct Site Factor (DSF) och Global Site Factor (GSF). Smartphone fotona hade signifikant korrelation med sina motsvarande DSLR foton samt visade statistisk signifikans på variablerna visible sky och LAI. Densiometern och CII har sina styrkor i att de är enkla, snabba och lätta att bära, de är dock föremål för subjektivitet. Densiometern visade störst likhet med DSF och GSF medan CII visade signifikant korrelation med alla variabler förutom LAI.
,Tropical rainforests of South East Asia holds some of the biggest biodiversity in the world, with big parts of it being under threat. The island of Borneo was stricken by disaster in 1982-83, when following a weather phenomenon the El Niño Southern Oscillation, vast droughts and subsequent fires ravaged its forests. This left major parts of Borneo’s forest in a secondary state and as a result the INIKEA rehabilitation project was initiated in the Tawau region on the east coast in the state of Sabah, Malaysia. In this study I examined the outcome of the rehabilitation work on the forest canopy in three different forest types. This was done by means of hemispherical photographing using a DSLR camera. Further, three other methods was examined to see their suitability in this type of forest. These were a spherical densiometer, the Crown Illumination Index (CII), and hemispherical photographs taken by a smartphone camera. The results showed that forest type had a significant effect on the amount of visible sky and Leaf Area Index (LAI) while type of rehabilitation treatment had a significant effect on Direct Site Factor (DSF) and Global Site Factor (GSF). The smartphone photographs had a significant correlation with their DSLR counterparts, and also showed a statistical significance for visible sky and LAI signifying that it may be a tool in the future, should certain considerations be made. The densiometer and CII holds advantages in being easy, quick and non-cumbersome but are instead prone to subjectivity. The densiometer had best similarities with DSF and GSF and the CII showed significant correlation with all variables except for LAI.
Main title: | Rehabilitation in a tropical secondary rain forest in Malaysian Borneo |
Subtitle: | early effects of canopy properties on light conditions at the forest floor |
Authors: | Jansson, Joakim |
Supervisor: | Ilstedt, Ulrik and Gustafsson, Malin |
Examiner: | Ottosson Löfvenius, Mikaell |
Series: | Examensarbeten / SLU, Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel |
Volume/Sequential designation: | 2015:10 |
Year of Publication: | 2015 |
Level and depth descriptor: | Second cycle, A2E |
Student's programme affiliation: | SY001 Forest Science - Master's Programme 300 HEC |
Supervising department: | (S) > Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management |
Keywords: | tropisk sekundär regnskog, Dipterocarpaceae, krontäckning, ljus, densiometer, luckor, hemisfäriska foton, tropical secondary rainforest, openness, canopy, light, gaps, visible sky, hemispherical photographs, Crown Illumination Index, densiometer |
URN:NBN: | urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-4401 |
Permanent URL: | http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-4401 |
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.: | Forestry - General aspects |
Language: | English |
Deposited On: | 02 Jun 2015 15:07 |
Metadata Last Modified: | 02 Jun 2015 15:07 |
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