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Palmér, Trine Ravn, 2014. Utilization of space by dholes (Cuon alpinus) in captivity and its implications for animal welfare. First cycle, G2E. Skara: SLU, Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231)



There are many obstacles to achieving optimal animal welfare in the zoo environment. Since animals in zoos are often of endangered status it is of great importance that the individuals in captivity experience good animal welfare. The numbers of dholes in the wild are declining with rapid speed and the wild dhole population has been estimated to consist of less than 2500 mature individuals. An inadequate environment can be a source of discomfort as well as stress, which can impact the animals’ physiology, behaviour and welfare. A well designed enclosure, which provides sufficient space and enrichment, can be beneficial to all animal species. Understanding animals’ utilization of space allows the design of captive environments to match the biological requirements of the animals, as well as maximize their welfare. To understand the space utilization of dholes, seven group held dholes kept at Parken Zoo, Eskilstuna were observed between March 4th and April 8th. Their space utilization was recorded and results showed that there was a difference in the animals’ utilization of the different zones. The zones in which there was water areas were utilized the least during all observations in total. There were little to no differences in space utilization depending on if it was a feeding or non-feeding day. There were also little to no differences depending on time of day. Since the animals utilize all areas of the enclosure this particular captive environment should be seen as well adapted to the animals’ requirements and needs.

Main title:Utilization of space by dholes (Cuon alpinus) in captivity and its implications for animal welfare
Authors:Palmér, Trine Ravn
Supervisor:Lundin, Lisa
Examiner:Loberg, Jenny
Series:Studentarbete / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för husdjurens miljö och hälsa
Volume/Sequential designation:570
Year of Publication:2014
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:VK002 Ethology and Animal Welfare - Bachelor's Programme 180 HEC
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231)
Keywords:dhole, cuon alpinus, asiatic wild dog, space utilization, enclosure utilization, enclosure design, captive animal welfare
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Animal genetics and breeding
Deposited On:22 Aug 2014 12:32
Metadata Last Modified:22 Aug 2014 12:32

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