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Wu, Shu Yao, 2014. The effects of soil scarification on humus decomposition rate in forests in British Columbia, Canada. Second cycle, A2E. Umeå: SLU, Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management

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Scarification is a widely used silviculture method and is suggested to improve organic matter decomposition rate. In this study, I made the use of an experiment that buried humus material into mineral soil after clear-cuts and studied its effects on humus decomposition rate in four biogeoclimatic zones (CWH, ESSF, ICH and IDF) in British Columbia. Litterbags containing local humus materials (mixture of F and H layers) were placed on the forest floor surface or buried in the soil (5-10 cm deep). Samples were retracted annually and dry mass and carbon (C) content were measured to calculate the remaining C mass in each sample for three continuous years. The remaining C mass at all of four sites was lower when buried than placed on the surface, but the difference was significant only at the drier IDF site. Humus in forests with better climatic conditions, such as abundant precipitation and suitable temperature, responded weakly to burying. Stimulation of humus decomposition through scarification is most likely to occur in dry forests in B.C.

Main title:The effects of soil scarification on humus decomposition rate in forests in British Columbia, Canada
Authors:Wu, Shu Yao
Supervisor:Nilsson Hegethorn, Marie-Charlotte and Prescott, Cindy
Examiner:Wardle, David
Series:Examensarbeten / SLU, Institutionen för skogens ekologi och skötsel
Volume/Sequential designation:2014:19
Year of Publication:2014
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:None
Supervising department:(S) > Dept. of Forest Ecology and Management
Keywords:humus, decomposition, scarification, C mass, British Columbia, climate, site preparation, forestry
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Forestry - General aspects
Deposited On:20 Aug 2014 11:35
Metadata Last Modified:20 Aug 2014 11:35

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