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Jan-Ers, Lina, 2012. Water compositions and attitudes to a rooftop rainwater harvesting system : a minor field study in Killarlahalli, India. Second cycle, A1E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment



The ground water of about 4500 villages in the state of Karnataka is not fit for drinking purpose
due to high fluoride content, iron content or brackishness. Long term consumption of fluoride contaminated water causes the disease fluorosis. In 2007 fluorosis was reported to over 20 states and more than 66 million people are at risk, indicating that endemic fluorosis has emerged as one
of the most alarming problems of the country. In the rural village Killarlahalli outside Pavagada
is the average fluoride content in the ground water measured to 2- 4mg/l. The WHO (World Health Organization) drinking-water guideline value for fluoride is 1.5.

The Indian Government and States have made policies to decrease the lack of drinking water by
promoting organizations and the private sector to participate in the construction. The BIRD-K
organization (BAIF Institute for Rural Development-Karnataka) has during a three year long
pilot project, together with Rainwater club constructed rooftop rainwater harvesting systems and
tanks in Killarlahalli.

During the time the project has been running the idea of possible contribution of minerals to the drinking water, to prevent malnutrition, was made. Before further investigation of the possibilities, a platform of information about the socio-cultural perspectives and the water composition was needed. The aim of this study is to investigate the social-cultural aspects to
understand the culture, custom and traditions which affect the purchase of rainwater harvesting
system. It is also to investigate the mineral content and total organic carbon, TOC in rainwater.

The study indicate that the tanks are sufficient used by the owner but that there are variations in
pH between the tanks. Analysis of cations shows that Ca2+ has a very high and varied concentration in the water tanks. This indicates that Ca2+ is contributed from the tank or filter to the water. In an socio-cultural perspective education, experience and active participation are the key words for the information flow and work for water tanks development to become more acceptable and interesting for those who are involved.

Main title:Water compositions and attitudes to a rooftop rainwater harvesting system
Subtitle:a minor field study in Killarlahalli, India
Authors:Jan-Ers, Lina
Supervisor:Köhler, Stephan
Examiner:Futter, Martyn
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2012
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A1E
Student's programme affiliation:NBMMP Natural Resources Programme - Biology and Soil Science 240 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment
Keywords:rainwater harvesting, rooftop, minerals, rural India, drinking water
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Water resources and management
Deposited On:29 Aug 2012 13:20
Metadata Last Modified:06 Oct 2012 17:58

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