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Johansson, Hanna, 2012. Genotype by environment interactions of claw health in Swedish dairy cattle in tie stalls and loose-housing. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics (until 231231)



Claw diseases are common diseases in modern dairy production. They are painful for the cow and costly for the producer. Differences in the prevalence of claw disease depending on housing system have previously been observed. This raises the question if there are genotype by environment (GxE) interactions for claw diseases in different housing systems. To investigate this claw trimming records for Swedish Red dairy cattle (SR) and Swedish Holstein cows (SH) were retrieved from the Swedish Dairy Association. The data contained information concerning hygiene-related claw diseases; dermatitis (interdigital and digital), heel horn erosion and skin proliferation (interdigital hyperplasia and warts), and feed-related claw diseases; sole hemorrhage, sole ulcer, corkscrew claws and the combination of white line separation and double sole. The data also contained information about housing; tie stalls or loose-housing. Disease frequencies were studied depending on breed, lactation number and housing system and genetic parameters were estimated for the same breed-lactation-housing-combinations. To investigate the presence of a GxE interaction, genetic correlations between the same claw disease in different housing systems was estimated. The results showed lower frequencies of claw diseases for the SR compared to the SH. There was an increase in disease prevalence with increasing lactation number for the hygiene-related claw diseases in both breeds. For both breeds there was a higher prevalence of hygiene-related claw diseases in loose-housing, while there only was a tendency towards the same for feed-related claw diseases. Despite the smaller differences in disease frequency depending on housing system indications of GxE interactions for claw diseases in different housing systems were found mostly for the feed-related diseases.


Klövsjukdomar utgör en av de vanligaste typerna av sjukdomar i dagens mjölkproduktion. De orsakar smärta för korna samt förhöjda kostnader för lantbrukaren. I tidigare studier har sjukdomsprevalensen visat sig vara olika i olika stallsystem. Det innebär att det kan finnas genotyp-miljö samspel för klövsjukdomar i olika stallsystem. För att undersöka detta användes klövverkningsdata för svenska röda kor och svenska Holstein kor. All data som användes tillhandahölls av Svensk Mjölk. I klövverkningsdata fanns information om hygienrelaterade klövsjukdomar; dermatit (interdigital och digital), klövröta och limax/vårtor, samt foderrelaterade klövsjukdomar; sulblödningar, klövsulesår, korkskruvsklövar och hålvägg och dubbelsula som en kombinerad egenskap. Dessutom fanns information om stallsystem; uppbunden eller lösdrift. Sjukdomsfrekvensen undersöktes i de olika raserna, olika laktationer samt olika stallsystem. Genetiska parametrar skattades för samma kombinationer av ras, laktation och stallsystem och för att undersöka om det fanns några genotyp-miljö samspel skattades även genetisk korrelation för samma klövsjukdom men i olika stallsystem. Resultaten visade på en lägre prevalens för klövsjukdomar hos röda kor. För hygienrelaterade klövsjukdomar fanns en tydlig trend mot stigande sjukdomsförekomst med laktationsnummer for båda raser. Förekomsten av hygienrelaterade klövsjukdomar var högre i lösdrift för båda raser. För de foderrelaterade klövsjukdomarna fanns en liknande trend men inte lika tydlig. Trots detta var det framförallt bland foderrelaterade klövsjukdomar som det fanns indikationer på genotyp-miljö samspel för klövhälsa i olika stallsystem.

Main title:Genotype by environment interactions of claw health in Swedish dairy cattle in tie stalls and loose-housing
Authors:Johansson, Hanna
Supervisor:Jakobsen, Jette and Johansson, Kjell
Examiner:Berglund, Britt
Series:Examensarbete / Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Volume/Sequential designation:373
Year of Publication:2012
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:VY001 Agricultural Science Programme - Animal Science 270 HEC
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics (until 231231)
Keywords:genotype by environment interactions (GxE interactions), genetic correlations, dairy cattle, claw health, claw disease, housing system, tie stalls, loose-housing
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Animal diseases
Deposited On:10 Jul 2012 10:20
Metadata Last Modified:10 Jul 2012 10:20

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