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Janséus, Peter, 2011. Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2. First cycle, G2E. Skinnskatteberg: SLU, School for Forest Management



This plan of multiple-use is made on the private owned forestproperty Äspinge 2:2 in the middle of Skåne.
The term “multiple-use” came to Sweden in the beginning of the twentieth century and has slowly grown until about 30 years ago when the laws of nature conservation and sustainability was written into the forest law. The so called ecoturism got more and more popular and people began to seek space and silence in difference to the life in the highly populated areas. This also encouraged foreign tourists to come to Sweden. Mostly danish, german, and dutch people. In the close area to Äspinge 2:2 there is a lot of summerhouses owned by people from one of these three countries. The property is also very good located, right in the border between the forestland and the big farmlands.
Äspinge 2:2 is and old Assi Domän property that was bought by the current owner in 1995. The property is 113 hectares with mostly Norway spruce that has been managed in a way to produce as much timber as possible until today. There has been two severe storms, one in 1999 and the other in 2005 that made a lot of damages to the forest. The replanting of these areas has made the average age of the forest to fall a lot. 75 % of the area is younger than 30 years.
The main purpose of this study is to get better and larger possibilities to make money on different sources of maintenance and also to make the property more attractive on the open market in case of selling.
The study began with establish contact with some of the people who are expected to be interested in this sort of multiple-use. After that the whole property was re-planed from a multiple-use perspective. The length of the plan was set to 20 years and calculations of the expected income and costs with multiple-use was made and an evaluation of the property in BM-Win 3.5.1.
The differences are clear between the two alternatives. The expected income from the traditional forestry will be about 3 850 000 SEK during the time of the plan. With multiple-use the income will fall to about 2 475 000 SEK witch proves that the property will need other incomesoureces to maintain economical profitability.
The hunting and tourism is very popular in the area and gives good possibilities for profitable business. People are prepared to pay a lot of money to go hunting for a weekend or go hiking and live in the woods.
During the work with the study a lot of thoughts has come up about whether how true this study is. It´s known that small adjustments in the economical calculation changes the figures much more than one might think and that
this is no certainty, just a guideline for a possible outcome. Other factors that might change, is the price of wood, ratelevel and changes in currency.
The biggest problem with this study is however the fact that the forest grows faster on the property than I could calculate with in this study. This is due to a limit in the planningprogram, PC-Skog. Unfortunately it´s impossible to fill in values of growth higher than G 36 which makes the program calculate a lower growth than it really is.

Main title:Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2
Authors:Janséus, Peter
Supervisor:Börjesson, Börje
Examiner:Sundstedt, Eric
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Skogsmästarprogrammet
Volume/Sequential designation:2011:03
Year of Publication:2011
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:SY002 Forest Management - Bachelor's Programme 180 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > School for Forest Management
Keywords:Naturturism, Skogskalkyl, Rekreation
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Forestry production
Deposited On:07 Apr 2011 08:29
Metadata Last Modified:08 Oct 2012 14:07

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