Bustos Bórquez, Nicole, 2025. Exploring urban affordances through children’s perceptions : a Practical Tool for Middle Child-Centred Urban Planning Based on the Perceived Sensory Dimensions Model. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of People and Society
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Children's perceived sensory qualities of green spaces can be particularly influential. UNESCO, guided by Kevin Lynch, has emphasised the importance of working with interdisciplinary groups to address the needs of children and adolescents, primarily in vulnerable urban areas. The Child-friendly Cities initiative created by UNICEF addresses the importance of children’s rights, and this study sheds light on those facts, mainly when considering that over half of the global population is estimated to be living in urban areas and the increase in mental health issues among children.
This thesis explored the applicability of a practical and evidence-based framework for improving children’s health and well-being in urban natural settings. It integrated theory-based models such as the Perceived Sensory Dimensions Model (PSDs) and established evidence linking children’s development and nature to create an evidence-based child-centred model. Additionally, the study underscored the significance of utilising tools in planning and engaging in collaborative placemaking to address the need for knowledge to enhance children’s well-being in urban green environments.
Main title: | Exploring urban affordances through children’s perceptions |
Subtitle: | a Practical Tool for Middle Child-Centred Urban Planning Based on the Perceived Sensory Dimensions Model |
Authors: | Bustos Bórquez, Nicole |
Supervisor: | Stoltz, Jonathan |
Examiner: | Marcheschi, Elizabeth and Mårtensson, Fredrika |
Volume/Sequential designation: | UNSPECIFIED |
Year of Publication: | 2025 |
Level and depth descriptor: | Second cycle, A2E |
Student's programme affiliation: | LM007 Outdoor environments for health and well-being - Master's programme 120 HEC |
Supervising department: | (LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of People and Society |
Keywords: | Urban Affordances, Children’s Perceptions, Urban Planning Tool, Child-Centred Design, Child-friendly Cities, Evidence-Based Design Model, Environmental Psychology, Health and Well-being |
URN:NBN: | urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-20861 |
Permanent URL: | http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-20861 |
Language: | English |
Deposited On: | 03 Mar 2025 08:29 |
Metadata Last Modified: | 04 Mar 2025 02:01 |
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