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Hassano, Zeinab Salah, 2024. Unveiling gendered labour dynamics amidst droughts : the case for African countries. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Economics

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Climate change has intensified the frequency of extreme weather events, such as droughts, which are expected to worsen without mitigation efforts. While drought impacts on rural areas are well-documented, their effects on urban economies and gender-specific labour markets in African countries remain underexplored. This study investigates the gender-differential employment effects of droughts in agriculture, upper non-farm, and lower non-farm sectors at national, urban, and rural levels from 2005 to 2020.
Using an event study difference-in-difference design, the results reveal that women in rural areas experience a significant increase in agricultural employment rising by 46 %, while men show smaller gains. Nationally, male employment in the agriculture sector declines by 30 % while women’s employment grows. In urban areas, both genders experience moderate increases in agricultural employment, but women suffer sharper declines in the non-farm sectors, particularly in upper non-farm jobs. These findings suggest that women, especially in rural areas, rely more on agriculture as a fallback during droughts, while men’s broader employment opportunities expose them to greater national-level vulnerabilities. In urban areas, women in non-farm sectors are particularly affected, highlighting limited options for adaptation.
The paper concludes that targeted interventions are needed to prevent droughts from exacerbating gender inequalities, especially in non-farm sectors. Policies that expand women’s access to diverse employment opportunities are critical for promoting equitable economic recovery in the face of climate change.

Main title:Unveiling gendered labour dynamics amidst droughts
Subtitle:the case for African countries
Authors:Hassano, Zeinab Salah
Supervisor:Guimares Naso, Pedro
Examiner:Hart, Robert
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Institutionen för ekonomi
Volume/Sequential designation:1633
Year of Publication:2024
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NM005 Environmental Economics and Management - Master's Programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics
Keywords:Drought, Climate Change, Employment rate, Event-study, Difference-in-Difference
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Deposited On:21 Nov 2024 08:44
Metadata Last Modified:22 Nov 2024 02:01

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