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Andersson, Beatrice and Eke-Göransson, Fredrika, 2024. Entry Barriers for you agricultural entrepreneurs : what are they and how can they be overcome?. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Economics

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Young farmers are struggling to get into the agricultural sector due to various different challenges such as the large number of older farmers that are unwilling to give up their businesses to the younger generation, investment challenges, changing weather conditions as well as other risks threatening agricultural businesses. However, the interest to become a farmer is significant among young people and there are many that wish to start there on business. To reach success as a farmer in today's society it is of the utmost importance not only to be an adequate farmer, but also to be a successful entrepreneur. The entrepreneurial characteristics needed are often more observed by young people compared to older which makes the prerequisites for the younger generation to succeed after entering the sector very bright.
This study aims to gain deeper knowledge of how young farmers tackle barriers when entering the agricultural sector in times of changing external factors. More specifically the authors would like to identify how young entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector strategize and manage their operations and resources to overcome the financial barriers and challenges connected with managing an own agricultural business. To reach the study´s aim a case study based on interviews with eight young farmers has been conducted. The questions in the interview were intended to get a deeper understanding of how young farmers in Sweden have strategized to overcome the identified barriers to entry as well as how they have handled potential risks and challenges treating their farm businesses. The collected empirical data has been transcribed and analysed to find themes and keywords which helped the authors to gain a deeper understanding making it possible to connect the data with the existing research on the subject. The result of the study lead to conclusions regarding how the young farmers had overcome the existing barriers. The respondents ability to act entrepreneurial was clear and their ability to use their resources and be diversified has helped them in their development of their businesses. It was also concluded that the financial challenges with the bank was the bigger barrier to overcome, but they had all managed to overcome these challenges with strategies and risk reversion. The study has contributed to research regarding entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector as well as a deeper understanding of the many barriers that young farmers face today and how they can be overcome by using the right tools and strategies. In addition the study has shown how important social capital is and that the ability to network by young farmers is a great strength.

Main title:Entry Barriers for you agricultural entrepreneurs
Subtitle:what are they and how can they be overcome?
Authors:Andersson, Beatrice and Eke-Göransson, Fredrika
Supervisor:Ferguson, Richard
Examiner:Hakelius, Karin
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Institutionen för ekonomi
Volume/Sequential designation:1621
Year of Publication:2024
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NY008 Agronomprogrammet ekonomi 300 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics
Keywords:agriculture, young entrepreneurs, barriers to entry, farm acquisition, strategies, risk management
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Deposited On:09 Sep 2024 08:23
Metadata Last Modified:10 Sep 2024 01:01

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