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Öberg, Emma and Rumm, Hanna, 2024. Banking Beyond Numbers : exploring Social Structures and Practices in Swedish Banks. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Economics

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This study explores the banking sector's systems, practices, strategies, and structures in the transition for sustainability in the business world. The financial sector's historical role in driving sustainable transitions is highlighted, with events like the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the sector's change towards sustainable development. Authors such as Alexander (2014), Beck et al. (2010), and Yip and Bocken (2018) underscore the critical role of banks in achieving overall sustainable development, mainly through initiatives like Sustainable Responsible Investment (SRI) funds and green project financing. Examples from Handelsbanken (Ledarna, 2021) and Söderberg & Partners (Ledarna, 2022) illustrate how financial institutions integrate sustainability into their corporate culture and operations, aiming to impact society positively. The Swedish banking sector's adaptation to new regulations and goals towards sustainability is also highlighted. However, recent disclosures revealing significant carbon emissions linked to banks, including Handelsbanken, challenge the narrative of banks leading a green transition. Reports urge banks to accelerate efforts to align financial flows with climate goals, raising questions about the disparity between sustainability commitments and environmental consequences. Therefore, this study investigates the integration of sustainability practices within Swedish banks during a transition period in the banking sector. The introduction explains the research aim, highlighting the importance of examining how organizational structures and practices contribute to or hinder sustainability integration.
The study's theoretical framework encompasses concepts such as Giddens' (2004) duality of structures, Practice Theory (PT), and Institutional Theory (IT). Giddens' framework explains how broader social structures and cultural norms influence individuals' practices within organizations, while IT sheds light on how organizations respond to institutional pressures to maintain legitimacy. These theories provide a lens through which to analyse the complexities of sustainability integration within Swedish banks. The study's methodology details the data collection process through semi-structured interviews with bank employees. Thematic analysis is utilized to identify patterns and themes within the interview data, allowing for an understanding of the study answering the research questions.
The study's findings focus on the industry's evolving landscape, emphasizing the key role of effective communication in fostering customer relationships, and integrating sustainability into banking practices. The findings underscore a growing customer interest in aligning financial decisions with environmental and social values, driving demand for sustainable financial products such as green mortgages. Respondents highlighted the importance of simplifying language around sustainability, proactive engagement, and internal collaboration in making sustainability accessible within the banking sector. Moreover, the study reveals how personal and organizational values influence banking practices, emphasizing passion, transparency, and competence as drivers of meaningful change toward sustainability. Therefore, the study offers practical implications for enhancing communication strategies and integrating sustainability practices.
The study's discussion explores sustainability practices within Swedish banks, covering various dimensions such as internal integration, external pressures, and the influence of social structures and institutional dynamics. It begins by examining how sustainability practices are woven into two Swedish banks, stressing the significance of effective communication, customer engagement, and organizational adaptability to embrace sustainability. The discussion highlights how societal expectations and market trends influence banks' strategic initiatives and product portfolios. While societal demands drive banks towards sustainability, a gap exists between aspirations and practical implementation, indicating a complex interplay of normative and coercive pressures. Moreover, the study discusses the challenges and opportunities inherent in navigating these pressures, emphasizing the need for adaptive organizational structures and a clear definition of sustainability practices.
The study underscores the critical role of regulations and institutional frameworks in shaping organizational behavior within the banking sector. In conclusion, the study improves our understanding of the multifaceted nature of sustainability practices within Swedish banks, emphasizing the importance of recognizing individual differences and setting clear definitions to facilitate the sector's transition towards sustainability.


Denna studie utforskar banksektorns praktiker, strategier och strukturer i övergången mot hållbar utveckling. Finanssektorn har en historisk roll för att driva förändringar, och med händelser som 2008 års finanskris och covid-19-pandemin accelererat sektorns förändring mot hållbar utveckling. Exempel från Handelsbanken (Ledarna, 2021) och Söderberg & Partners (Ledarna, 2022) illustrerar hur finansiella institutioner integrerar hållbarhet i sin företagskultur och verksamhet i syfte att påverka samhället positivt. Dock har det avslöjats att betydande koldioxidutsläpp kopplade till banker, inklusive Handelsbanken, ifrågesätter bankernas hållbarhetsarbete. Därför undersöker denna studie integrationen av hållbara praktiker inom svenska banker. Inledningen förklarar forskningsmålet och belyser vikten av att undersöka hur organisatoriska strukturer och praktiker bidrar till eller hindrar hållbarhetsintegrering. Studiens teoretiska ram omfattar begrepp som Giddens (2004) dualitet av strukturer, Practice Theory (PT) och Institutional Theory (IT). Dessa teorier skapar en lins genom vilken man kan analysera komplexiteten i hållbarhetsintegrering inom svenska banker. Studiens metodik beskriver datainsamlingsprocessen genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med bankanställda. Tematisk analys används för att identifiera mönster och teman i intervjudatan, vilket möjliggör en förståelse av studien som svarar på forskningsfrågorna.
Studiens resultat fokuserar på att effektiv kommunikation främjar kundrelationer och hur det bidrar till att integrera hållbarhet i praktiker. Resultaten understryker ett växande kundintresse för att anpassa finansiella beslut med miljömässiga och sociala värden, vilket driver efterfrågan på hållbara finansiella produkter. Respondenterna betonade vikten av att förenkla språket kring hållbarhet, proaktivt engagemang och internt samarbete för att göra hållbarhet tillgänglig inom banksektorn. Dessutom avslöjar studien hur personliga och organisatoriska värderingar påverkar praktiker. Studiens diskussion utforskar hållbarhet och praktiker inom två svenska banker, och täcker olika dimensioner såsom intern integration, externa påtryckningar och påverkan av sociala strukturer och institutionell dynamik. Dessutom diskuterar studien de utmaningar och möjligheter som finns och betonar behovet av organisationsförändringar och en tydlig definition av hållbarhets praktiker. Studien understryker den avgörande roll som regleringar och institutionella ramar spelar för att forma organisatoriskt beteende inom banksektorn. Sammanfattningsvis förbättrar studien förståelsen av hållbarhet och praktiker inom två svenska banker.

Main title:Banking Beyond Numbers
Subtitle:exploring Social Structures and Practices in Swedish Banks
Authors:Öberg, Emma and Rumm, Hanna
Supervisor:Jonsson, Josefina
Examiner:Hakelius, Karin
Series:Examensarbete / SLU, Institutionen för ekonomi
Volume/Sequential designation:1596
Year of Publication:2024
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:NM005 Environmental Economics and Management - Master's Programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Economics
Keywords:Banking, sustainability, social structures, practices, institutional pressures
Permanent URL:
Deposited On:04 Jul 2024 08:38
Metadata Last Modified:05 Jul 2024 01:04

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