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Dubinska, Antonina, 2024. Robinia pseudoacacia in urban forests : management implications based on a literature survey and a case study in Warsaw. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre



Robinia pseudoacacia L. (Black locust) is a widespread and widely used alien species in Europe, locally considered to be invasive. Among others, it is cultivated in plantations, planted for decorative purposes, used in the reclamation of degraded areas, but it is also spreading uncontrolled in forests and woodlands.
The aim of this study was to consider how R. pseudoacacia fits into the needs of urban forestry and what environmental risks are associated with its presence. For this purpose, 80 scientific publications were reviewed. Based on this literature review, R. pseudoacacia stands in urban forests were characterised in three dimensions: social, economic and environmental. This analysis distinguished the trend of changes in the sites of occurrence of this species in Europe like homogenization, dominance in the stand and change in biodiversity and species composition.
To assess the impact of R. pseudoacacia on forest composition and structure in Warsaw, 24 sample plots in R. pseudoacacia-dominated, 14 plots in mixed and 24 plots in Pinus sylvestris-dominated forest patches were examined from two study areas, forest Na kole and forest Lindego. The results show that R. pseudoacacia, compared to Pinus sylvestris L., does not negatively affect the species richness of the undergrowth and ground vegetation as well as does not favour occurrence of other alien species. Studies indicate that the light-demanding R. pseudoacacia regenerates poorly in urban stands, which is probably due to high shading of the forest floor. On the other hand, species such as Quercus rubra L., Acer platanoides L. and Acer pseudoplatanus L. regenerate extensively under its canopy, creating a future potential change in species composition.
Relating the situation of Warsaw's forests to generally observed trends in Europe indicates a need to observe the R. pseudoacacia in the future, especially considering climatic changes such as droughts and rising temperatures, which favour the invasiveness of this species.

Main title:Robinia pseudoacacia in urban forests
Subtitle:management implications based on a literature survey and a case study in Warsaw
Authors:Dubinska, Antonina
Supervisor:Brunet, Jörg
Examiner:Petersson, Lisa
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2024
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:SM001 Euroforester - Master's Programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
Keywords:Robinia pseudoacacia L., urban forestry, biodiversity, invasive alien species, environmental impact, socioeconomic benefits, management recommendations
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Deposited On:27 Jun 2024 11:15
Metadata Last Modified:05 Jul 2024 01:32

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