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Isendahl, Maximilian, 2024. Towards breeding of edible perennial lupins for Swedish conditions : theoretical outlook and interspecific hybridization. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Plant Breeding (from 130101)



With regards to current threats posed to society by climate change and lack of food sovereignty in Sweden and globally, the prospects of breeding perennial lupins for food and feed production were examined. This study consisted of a literature study focused on Lupinus polyphyllus, related species and hybrids thereof, and an experimental part on interspecific hybridization between L. polyphyllus and L. mutabilis. Two lines of annual hybrids between L. polyphyllus and L. mutabilis developed by plant breeder B.S. Kurlovich were described and compared with L. angustifolius ‘Boragine’. Attempted crosses between three lines of annual hybrids and naturalized L. polyphyllus conducted in 2020 and 2021 were described. However, no viable hybrid seeds from the crosses were obtained, proving that back-crossing these annual hybrids with L. polyphyllus being extremely difficult. Previous and current breeding efforts regarding L. polyphyllus were studied, and the potential of L. polyphyllus as a perennial grain legume crop were evaluated according to selection criteria for candidate species. Impressive performance, valuable genetic material and important breeding work conducted on L. polyphyllus were highlighted as factors favoring a continued development and study of the species. The species habit of spreading and becoming classified as invasive, as well as the content of toxic quinolizidine alkaloids are two issues of importance in breeding and cultivation. Low alkaloid L. polyphyllus has the potential to emerge as a crop in the northern regions due to its reliable production, the nutritional qualities and its dual-purpose use as both grain and pasture/silage crop.

Main title:Towards breeding of edible perennial lupins for Swedish conditions
Subtitle:theoretical outlook and interspecific hybridization
Authors:Isendahl, Maximilian
Supervisor:Rumpunen, Kimmo
Examiner:Hammenhag, Cecilia
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2024
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LY003 Horticultural Science Programme 300 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Plant Breeding (from 130101)
Keywords:lupins, perennial crops, plant breeding, grain legumes
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Deposited On:17 Jun 2024 08:08
Metadata Last Modified:18 Jun 2024 11:34

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