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Long, Nina Eileen, 2023. Wild boar and roe deer in conflict? : an analysis of interspecific interactions under different wild boar densities. Second cycle, A2E. Grimsö: SLU, Dept. of Ecology



Roe deer and wild boar are both highly successful species of cervid found across much of Europe, and while similarities exist between them, to what extent do wild boar impact the daily activity pattern of roe deer at feeding sites? While a few studies explore interspecific interactions between ungulate species in Sweden, only a little research has been done on how wild boar and roe deer interact. This study aims to minimize the gap in knowledge surrounding these two species and the way they interact. I used GPS collars fitted onto wild boar and roe deer from 2012 – 2023 to study how roe deer spatially interact within their homeranges with wild boar, and to further study whether an increasing density of wild boar has altered the daily activity pattern of roe deer at supplementary feeding sites inside the Grimsö Wildlife Research Area. Roe deer were found to show avoidance towards wild boar. Furthermore, the study showed that roe deer changed their activity pattern at supplementary feeding sites by visiting closer to midday than sunset, when the density of wild boar increased in the study area. These results suggest that there is a level of interference competition occurring between these two species, but further research would be needed to fully explore this in the future.

Main title:Wild boar and roe deer in conflict?
Subtitle:an analysis of interspecific interactions under different wild boar densities
Authors:Long, Nina Eileen
Supervisor:Kjellander, Petter and Augustsson, Evelina and Ausilio, Giorgia
Examiner:Seiler, Andreas
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2023
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:None
Supervising department:(NL, NJ) > Dept. of Ecology
Keywords:feeding displacement, generalized additive models, interference competition, wild boar, roe deer
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Deposited On:20 Nov 2023 07:09
Metadata Last Modified:21 Nov 2023 02:02

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