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Klausen, Liv Schantz, 2023. Agroecological Mariculture : a case study of seaweed farming in Denmark. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Biosystems and Technology (from 130101)



This thesis will seek to analyze the current state of seaweed farming in Denmark through an
agroecological perspective. The focus is on the production systems and their challenges.
Additionally, the future scenario for seaweed cultivation in Denmark and to what extent an increase
is possible without compromising environment are discussed. To conduct this research, a farmer
interview coupled with an overview of the history of seaweed production in Denmark have been
performed. It was evident that seaweed agroecosystems are a new addition to the food system in
Denmark. It occupies a very low market share, but with increased interest from consumers due to
its environmentally friendliness and the health properties of the seaweed. The main challenges faced
by the seaweed farmers are political and economic in nature. This new farming system, as well as
the new food source, are not widely known amongst regulators and consumers, thus, infrastructure
to support its development is lacking. It was also observed that while both the society and the farmers
were in learning phase, the farmers still were confident in their ability and the future of seaweed in
Denmark. The thesis found that it is most likely that seaweed cultivation will increase in both
production and interest. The main reasons for this are the environmentally friendly production, the
health properties of seaweed and increased interest in their bioactive compounds. Thus, the future
of seaweed farming will ultimately be determined by the priorities of consumers, producers and

Main title:Agroecological Mariculture
Subtitle:a case study of seaweed farming in Denmark
Authors:Klausen, Liv Schantz
Supervisor:Hultberg, Malin
Examiner:Rosberg, Anna Karin
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2023
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LM005 Agroecology - Master's programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Biosystems and Technology (from 130101)
Keywords:Seaweed, Macroalgae, Seaweed farming, Agroecology, Aquaculture, Mariculture
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Deposited On:04 Jul 2023 09:48
Metadata Last Modified:05 Jul 2023 04:02

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