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Johansson Östberg, Wilma, 2023. Hästunderstött lärande för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro : erfarenheter från svenska hästverksamheter. First cycle, G2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231)

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Many pupils today struggle with attending school regularly. For some pupils, the school absence become a major issue that can cause severe consequences for development of their knowledge and social skills. Problematic school absence also has a negative impact on the pupil´s psychological wellbeing, which can lead to depression and suicidal ideations. One method to improve pupil´s school attendance is by using horses, in an intervention called equine assisted learning. This type of intervention has shown positive effects on pupils’ school attendance but there is some uncertainty when it comes to the arrangement and management of these interventions. In addition, there is limited research about how horses are chosen, prepared for, and affected by the intervention, and thus what impact it has on their welfare. This study´s aim was to investigate what role equine assisted learning has had in helping pupils with problematic school absence back to school. The study also aimed to analyse how the horse´s welfare has been affected by the intervention. To collect data, a questionnaire was distributed by email to riding facilities that offered equine assisted learning. The results showed that equine assisted learning is an uncommon method used to improve school attendance, but it has given positive effects on those who took part in the intervention. There has been no major negative impact on the welfare of the horses that have participated in the intervention. Certain characteristics and personality traits have been major factors that determine if a horse have been chosen for use in equine assisted learning, and horses have been trained in multiple ways before participation. The results indicate that equine assisted learning is a useful type of intervention for pupils that do not jeopardize the welfare of the participating horses. However, further behavioural studies regarding horses used for equine assisted learning needs to be carried out to assure that the intervention does indeed not impose a risk for the horse welfare.

Main title:Hästunderstött lärande för elever med problematisk skolfrånvaro
Subtitle:erfarenheter från svenska hästverksamheter
Authors:Johansson Östberg, Wilma
Supervisor:Lidfors, Lena
Examiner:Loberg, Jenny
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2023
Level and depth descriptor:First cycle, G2E
Student's programme affiliation:VK005 Ethology and Animal Welfare - Bachelor's Programme, 180.0hp
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231)
Keywords:hästunderstött lärande, problematisk skolfrånvaro, hästvälfärd, hästunderstödda insatser, utbildning
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Deposited On:03 Jul 2023 07:54
Metadata Last Modified:04 Jul 2023 01:10

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