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Sellgren Molander, Alva, 2022. Activity patterns of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and the transmission of East Coast Fever (ECF) to domestic cattle in Laikipia County, Kenya. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Clinical Sciences (until 231231)



In this study we examined the potential connection between East Coast Fever (ECF) and the local activity pattern of African buffalo in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy (OPC), in Laikipia county, Kenya. Buffalo activity was examined at OPC’s wildlife corridors, which work as the only gates for the animals to pass in and out of the area, by looking at approximately 32 000 pictures taken by infra-red cameras during the year 2019. In these pictures, 2859 buffaloes were counted. A correlation between number of buffaloes and the number of pictures taken was then tested and proven highly positive. We then proceeded to test if there was a liaison between the number of buffalo-pictures for the years 2016-2019 and the ECF-related deaths during the same years.
The results showed that there was no correlation between increased buffalo activity and increased cases of ECF. However, a correlation between number of buffaloes and numbers of ECF cases could still exist, but the methods used in this study are suspected to not be sensitive enough to find one. More detailed research is needed about the buffaloes’ movements inside the reserve, in relation to cattle movement. In this study, we had access to the number of ECF-related deaths. For a correct picture, the total amount of ECF-cases is needed to be able to examine a liaison. The buffalos’ movements should also be examined in relation to rainfall since rainfall affects buffalos´ movement, and it can also influence the number of ECF-cases.
We also tested the interval for spraying the cattle with anti-tick treatment. The interval used at the OPC was considered necessary under the current circumstances for the trial. During the testing period there had been more rainfall than usual. Different intervals should be tested during different weather conditions to see if the interval can be prolonged during drier seasons.


I denna studie undersöktes det om det finns ett samband mellan buffelaktivitet och antalet dödsfall hos kor i sjukdomen East Coast Fever (ECF) på Ol Pejeta Conservancy (OPC) i Laikipia County Kenya. Buffelaktiviteten registrerades genom att studera runt 32 000 bilder på bufflar, tagna av infra-röda kameror som är uppsatta längs OPC:s så kallade korridorer, vilka fungerar som de enda portar för djuren att passera in eller ut i området. På bilderna kunde 2859 bufflar räknas. Vi testade om det fanns en korrelation mellan antalet bilder och bufflar, vilket tydligt fanns. Efter detta fortsatte vi med testa om det fanns ett samband mellan antalet bilder på bufflar (buffelaktivitet) och antal dödsfall i ECF.
Resultaten visade att det inte fanns något samband mellan ökad buffelaktivitet och ökat antal ECF fall på OPC. Ett samband kan dock ändå finnas, men de metoder som användes i denna studie var inte tillräckligt känsliga för att hitta detta. Det behövs mer detaljerade studier där bufflarnas rörelser inom området, och rörelser i relation till kornas undersöks. I studien hade vi endast tillgång till antalet dödsfall för ECF, och inte totalantalet ECF-fall, vilka bör inkluderas för en mer korrekt bild. Bufflarnas rörelser bör också undersökas i relation till nederbörd, då detta påverkar både bufflar och fall av ECF.
I studien testades även intervallet för när OPC sprayar sina kor med antiparasitära medel. Spray-intervallet som användes under tiden för studien ansågs nödvändig under de omständigheter som rådde. Under perioden var det mer nederbörd än vanligt. Intervallet bör testas under flera olika väderomständigheter för att se om intervallet kan förlängas under torrare perioder.

Main title:Activity patterns of African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and the transmission of East Coast Fever (ECF) to domestic cattle in Laikipia County, Kenya
Authors:Sellgren Molander, Alva
Supervisor:Jung, Jens and Andersson, Maria
Examiner:Yngvesson, Jenny
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2022
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:VY002 Veterinary Medicine Programme 330 HEC
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Clinical Sciences (until 231231)
Keywords:Buffalo, Syncerus caffer, East coast fever, ECF, Theileria parva, Corridor disease, CD, Kenya, Laikipia
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Deposited On:09 Jun 2023 07:46
Metadata Last Modified:10 Jun 2023 01:00

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