Hägglund, Annie, 2022. Farmer´s attitudes towards dairy cow cleanliness : a qualitative study. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231)
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Otillräckligt rena mjökkor verkar vara ett växande problem enligt insamlad data
från de officiella djurskyddskontrollerna i Sverige. Detta trots att de negativa
konsekvenserna som smutsighet kan ha på produktionen är välkända. I denna studie
så undersöktes mjölkbönders attityder och tankar kring problemet med smutsiga
mjölkkor genom telefonintervjuer, där fokus låg på att undersöka nivån av
medvetenhet om hur smutsighet påverkar mjölkproduktionen, deras generella
attityder och relationer till djuren, samt hur man ska jobba för att komma tillrätta
med problemet. Intervjuerna bestod av 18 frågor och genomfördes genom en
kvalitativ intervjumetod. Efter intervjuerna så organiserades och systematiserades
svaren genom att dela upp dem i olika teman, citat och nyckelord som sedan noga
Resultatet visade att mjölkbönderna är väl medvetna om korrelationen mellan en
framgångsrik produktion och rena djur, men att det finns en viss omedvetenhet
kring hur vanligt problemet med smutsiga mjölkkor är. Resultatet av studien visade
på ett behov av ökad kommunikation mellan mjölkbönder och myndigheter, samt
hur mjölkbönders hälsa, ekonomi, generella attityd och relation till mjölkkor, likväl
som deras utbildningsnivå inom djurvälfärd kan vara bidragande faktorer till
förekomsten av smutsiga mjölkkor på svenska gårdar.
The negative consequences of having dirty dairy cattle are well known, as it will
affect the animal welfare as well as the efficiency and economy of dairy production.
But despite this, the occurrence of dirty cattle is increasing in Sweden. A recent
Swedish study revealed that 49% of cattle farms had insufficiently clean animals.
The study result revealed that farmers have a wide understanding of how cleanliness
in dairy cattle can affect the dairy production productivity, but also a lack of
knowledge about the occurrence of dirtiness of dairy cattle in Sweden. It also
revealed how communication between authorities and farmers need to be improved
and how farmers mental health, economy, general attitude towards dairy cattle and
relationship with them, as well as farmers education in animal welfare, may
influence the occurrence of cattle dirtiness on Swedish farms.
Preventive measures in order to reduce the occurrence of dairy cattle dirtiness may
include information and education on the occurrence of this problem, how to
prevent it and what consequences dirtiness of dairy cattle can have. The relationship
and communication between authorities and farmers also needs to be improved.
Farmers mental and physical health need to be prioritized, as the study result
revealed that farmers health also may influence cattle dirtiness. Hence, finding
ways to improve farmers health and creating a supporting system for farmers in
need of extra help, mentally as well as physically, may be important in order to
increase cleanliness of dairy cattle.
Main title: | Farmer´s attitudes towards dairy cow cleanliness |
Subtitle: | a qualitative study |
Authors: | Hägglund, Annie |
Supervisor: | Andersson, Maria and Lundmark Hedman, Frida and Westin, Rebecka |
Examiner: | Yngvesson, Jenny |
Volume/Sequential designation: | UNSPECIFIED |
Year of Publication: | 2022 |
Level and depth descriptor: | Second cycle, A2E |
Student's programme affiliation: | VM006 Animal Science - Master's Programme |
Supervising department: | (VH) > Dept. of Animal Environment and Health (until 231231) |
Keywords: | attitudes, clean cattle, animal welfare, dairy cow |
URN:NBN: | urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-17655 |
Permanent URL: | http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:slu:epsilon-s-17655 |
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.: | Animal husbandry |
Language: | English |
Deposited On: | 07 Apr 2022 10:34 |
Metadata Last Modified: | 08 Apr 2022 01:00 |
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