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Landstedt, Moa and Ollinen, Carin, 2022. One City in Two Countries : regional identity and cultural heritage on the HaparandaTornio border during the COVID-19 pandemic. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)



The collaborative cross-border region HaparandaTornio has been recognised as the most peaceful border in the world due to its
shared history, which can be examined through the common tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The tangible cultural heritage
can be investigated through four phases of HaparandaTornio's institutionalisation; (1) the motion of single projects, (2) joint local policy
agreements, (3) creating a joint body and (4) continued responsibility of being defined as a Twin City. The intangible cultural heritage
can be recognised through the border being a uniting seam, rather than an isolating barrier, where different languages, mentality
and traditions have merged. In March 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic forced national decision-makers to close the border between
HaparandaTornio. The border closing has not only restricted local habitants of moving freely in their region but also intensified the "we
and them"-mentality amongst the habitants from the respective cities. This shows that collaborative regional decision-making is crucial
of maintaining the common cultural heritage of HaparandaTornio, but also to cultivate the everyday life of the habitants living in the
cross-border region. Yet, HaparandaTornio remains just as a concept, being identified as one city in two countries. This identification can
not be legally defined which creates contradictions in the regional will and national law. If the border were to close again, communication
between regional authorities and national decision-makers are necessary, to constitute reasonable measures that serves cross-border
regions. The results of this thesis have been gathered through a site-visit, interviews and a survey.

Main title:One City in Two Countries
Subtitle:regional identity and cultural heritage on the HaparandaTornio border during the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors:Landstedt, Moa and Ollinen, Carin
Supervisor:Olsson, Patrik
Examiner:Diedrich, Lisa Babette and Norfall, Lisa
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2022
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LM006 Landscape Architecture 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management (from 130101)
Keywords:COVID-19 pandemic, cross-border region, identity, participation, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, transnational integration
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:31 Mar 2022 10:57
Metadata Last Modified:01 Apr 2022 01:01

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