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Persson, Martin, 2021. The forest planning process among medium-sized forest owners : description of the group and how they adapt the traditional planning hierarchy. Second cycle, A1E. Umeå: SLU, Dept. of Forest Resource Management



Forest planning has traditionally been divided into strategical, tactical, and operational planning all integrated into a hierarchy. Forest planning has been a crucial success factor for the Swedish forest industry, and the planning processes among corporations and small private forest owners have been frequently examined. However, the group of forest owners in the border zone between these two categories has not been evaluated before. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the forest planning processes among medium-sized forest owners in Sweden and to observe and explain differences within the group. The groups relation to the traditional planning hierarchy was also an important aspect to consider, and a general description of the group was desirable to present. A mixed-method approach was used, combining quantitative survey data with qualitative interviews. Some quantitative questions were tested for significance using Welch’s two-sample t-test, but most of the questions were not suitable for statistical analyses. Three interviews were conducted.
The results indicates that medium-sized forest owners adopt the traditional planning hierarchy to a large extent, but uncertainty exists regarding the operational planning process. Medium-sized forest owners strongly link to the tactical planning process, with a high share of the respondents conducting planning that is recognized as necessary within the tactical planning horizon, but surprisingly few used decision support systems. However, some expressed views that the tactical harvest plan is not that important and distinguished the harvest plan from the reality. Most forest owners had strategic plans, but fewer had plans regarding nature conservation and ecological landscape plans. Financial return and passing down a heritage for the next generation are the two most important of nine parameters for medium-sized forest owners.


Skoglig planering har traditionellt delats upp i tre huvudsakliga nivåer: strategisk, taktisk samt
operativ planering som alla ingår i en hierarki. Skoglig planering har spelat en nyckelroll for den
svenska skogsindustrin, och planeringen hos stora företag och små privata markägare har studerats
tidigare, men gruppen däremellan, mellanstora skogsägare, har inte studerats. Det primära syftet
med denna studie var att undersöka den skogliga planeringen hos mellanstora skogsägare i Sverige
och observera eventuella skillnader inom gruppen. Målgruppens relation till den traditionella
planeringshierarkin var en viktig aspekt att betänka och en generell beskrivning var också önskvärd
att göra. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes mixade metoder bestående av kvantitativa
enkätdata samt kvalitativa intervjuer. Welchs tvåpariga t-test användes för att testa vissa frågor för
signifikans, men de flesta frågor var inte lämpliga för statistiska analyser. Tre intervjuer gjordes.
Resultaten visar att mellanstora skogsägare tillämpar den traditionella planeringshierarkin till
stor del, men det råder osäkerhet kring den operativa planeringen. Mellanstora skogsägare har starka
band till den taktiska planeringen, då en stor del av respondenterna gjorde planering som är vital
inom den taktiska planeringen, men överraskande få använder beslutsstödsystem. Vissa uttryckte
åsikter om att taktisk avverkningsplanering inte är särskilt viktigt och skiljde den från verkligheten.
De flesta respondenter hade strategiska planer, men färre hade planer angående naturvård samt
ekologiska lanskapsplaner. Ekonomisk avkastning samt att föra vidare ett arv till kommande
generationer är de två viktigaste parametrarna av nio för medelstora skogsägare.

Main title:The forest planning process among medium-sized forest owners
Subtitle:description of the group and how they adapt the traditional planning hierarchy
Authors:Persson, Martin
Supervisor:Ulvdal, Patrik
Examiner:Staal Wästerlund, Dianne
Series:Arbetsrapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för skoglig resurshushållning och geomatik
Volume/Sequential designation:527
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A1E
Student's programme affiliation:SY001 Forest Science - Master's Programme 300 HEC
Supervising department:(S) > Dept. of Forest Resource Management
Keywords:Forest planning, medium-sized forest owners, strategical planning, tactical planning, operational planning, planning hierarchy, decision support system
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Forestry - General aspects
Forestry production
Deposited On:10 Dec 2021 09:36
Metadata Last Modified:11 Dec 2021 02:00

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