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Gebeyehu, Samrawit Tsehay, 2021. Genetic mapping on local Swedish chicken breeds. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics (until 231231)



Today, genetic studies are gaining popularity around the world, especially in the developed world. The study of genetic diversity is the basis for genetic protection and future breed improvement. The current study aimed to assess the genetic diversity, genetic relationship, and to identify the genes affecting the plumage colors of eight Swedish chicken breeds. There are about 11 breeds of Swedish chickens in Sweden. The study breeds were Gotlandshöna, Öländsk dvärghöna, Kindahöna, Hedemorahöna, Skånsk blommehöna, Åsbohöna, Ölandhöna, and svarthöna chicken.
A total of 83 chickens were genotyped using a 62K SNP chip. The mean observed heterozygosity of the study breeds was 0.40 and the mean inbreeding coefficient (F) of the study breeds calculated from the discrepancy of observed and expected heterozygotes was -0.07. The mean FST of the study breeds was 0.36, which indicated that the Swedish chicken breeds were very diverse. The study breeds formed 3 main clusters in the multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot based on their genetic relationship, where most of the breeds were grouped in one of the main groups. Due to population structure, it was not possible to identify potential SNPs involved in plumage color variation.
To do GWAS for plumage color variability of Swedish chickens, the sample size must be much larger. The current study on genetic diversity may help to strengthen the genetic conservation program, such as, eliminating inbreeding and conducting additional molecular-based studies. Further research into plumage color variability should be done, by including many more individuals.

Main title:Genetic mapping on local Swedish chicken breeds
Authors:Gebeyehu, Samrawit Tsehay
Supervisor:Johansson, Anna Maria and Simianer, Henner
Examiner:Johnsson, Martin
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2021
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:Other
Supervising department:(VH) > Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics (until 231231)
Keywords:chicken, genetic diversity, GWAS, plumage color, SNP, Swedish chicken breed
Permanent URL:
Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Animal genetics and breeding
Deposited On:19 May 2021 11:15
Metadata Last Modified:20 May 2021 01:00

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