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Arnett, Hannah, 2019. Invisible Bricks: urban places for social wellbeing : a lived experience of place in the London borough of Tower Hamlets, UK. Second cycle, A2E. Alnarp: SLU, Dept. of People and Society



Social sustainability in urban places is undervalued in urban planning due to the intangible nature of the concept. By valuing lived experiences of place, this research connects social and environmental sustainability pillars to support planning for socioenvironmental justice from a citizen’s perspective. The quality of the urban outdoor environment is explored in relation to safety and individual and collective efficacy for social wellbeing which contextualises the role of urban green space.

This study suggests socio-environmental sustainability is related at an individual and collective level. Safe social environments can support place attachment processes and safe green spaces can support self-regulation of emotions that influences behaviours. The urban outdoors can be viewed as a social learning environment. An inductive interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) led enquiry has been conducted which suggests urban places for social wellbeing can be explained by a framework that integrates social and environmental psychology and spatial politics theories. This study suggests that place attachment is at the heart of dynamic social environments and influences social learning behaviours through vicarious learning and the manifestation of social spaces as framed by Scannell and Gifford’s Tripartite Framework of Place Attachment, Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory and Lefebvre’s Theory of Produced Social Space.

Designing for socio-environmental justice is associated with understanding human irrationality due to poor social and environmental quality. This research suggests the right to feeling safe and the quality of the urban environment, including safe green spaces, becomes an issue for the operation of democracy and facilitating self and collective efficacy, by recognising the invisible bricks that form urban places for social wellbeing.

Main title:Invisible Bricks: urban places for social wellbeing
Subtitle:a lived experience of place in the London borough of Tower Hamlets, UK
Authors:Arnett, Hannah
Supervisor:Mårtensson, Fredrika and Wales, Mark
Examiner:von Essen, Elisabeth and Gyllin, Mats
Volume/Sequential designation:UNSPECIFIED
Year of Publication:2019
Level and depth descriptor:Second cycle, A2E
Student's programme affiliation:LM007 Outdoor environments for health and well-being - Master's programme 120 HEC
Supervising department:(LTJ, LTV) > Dept. of People and Society
Keywords:social sustainability, environmental sustainability, social wellbeing, place attachment, social cognitive theory, green space, safety, urban Mind, London, urban planning, sustainable cities
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Subject. Use of subject categories until 2023-04-30.:Landscape architecture
Deposited On:18 Nov 2020 07:09
Metadata Last Modified:19 Nov 2020 02:00

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